雅思大作文:most of problems are caused by the overpopulation_雅思是什么
2019-12-26 17:59
雅思大作文题目:Some people think Most of problems are caused by the overpopulation, to what extent you agree or disagree?
Coming with the rapid development of economy and globalization, the population around the world has boosted; although it can be regarded as the labor force to contribute, the problems are looming.雅思是什么
Referring to the most significant impact, the densely-populated area leads to a great number of pollution issues. To be specific, to reach the level of metropolises, major cities attract more people to live and work, while such centralization combines with the over-industrialization to satisfy the public’s needs, which could produce enormous waste, like urban garbage which is almost impossible to degrade. Meanwhile, the more people the society has, the more difficult promoting their awareness of environmental protection would be; as a result, pollution, including water, exhaust gas and even soil, becomes more serious, and the impact following would be expended to reduce the biodiversity.
At the same time, the distribution of resources is also worth considering. Natural resources, obviously, have been consumed by the mass; lots of non-renewable energy is exhausted, which means that the energy crisis, now, has been a life-threatening problem. What the society should think about is not only the nature, but also the resources that everyone can have in education, medicine and social welfare. It is undeniably that the finite resources are not enough to guarantee that the individual could share the equal access as they do when there would be less people, which also brings the fact that the authorities should undertake huger responsibilities and burden in management and finance.
In conclusion, people as the main power to construct the society, but the consequence of overpopulation is a generally acknowledge fact that might destroy the future; thus, humans need to figure out a way to balance the development of ourselves and the world we live.
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