
雅思大作文:more and more people buy and use their own cars_雅思托福的区别

2019-12-26 17:59



2020年雅思报考指南 考试时间 考试费用 考点查询 报名入口 成绩要求

雅思大作文题目:As countries developing, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?


Since the invention of combustion engines, motor vehicles have been blamed for the contaminated air and resource consumption. Surely, the increasing number of cars is the major contributor of environmental damage, but it is also one of the greatest invention one could ever imagine.

Scientifically, emissions from cars increase the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. At normal levels, greenhouse gases keep some of the sun’s heat in the atmosphere and help warm Earth. That said, many scientists believe that burning fossil fuels such as gasoline causes greenhouse gas levels to spike, leading to global warming. Thus, cars become the number one suspect under this consideration.雅思托福的区别

However, to individuals, private cars dramatically changed the way to commute from place to place. Increased road safety, flexible hours and a show-off of personal identity are the three major benefits of the private vehicle while public transport can never compete. Granted that they are expensive piece of machinery, this does not prevent consumers from purchasing them even with monthly loans.

I personally believe that the benefits of owning a private vehicle are evident, while it is our choice of action of conserve the environment. Aside from the production process, modern technology has introduced electric vehicles since a decade ago. Cars do not pollute, whereas people who choose gasoline-consumed cars over for example Tesla do.

All in all, the pollution of private vehicles is attributed to the irresponsibility of people's attitudes towards this particular issue. The upcoming future may introduce environmental friendly transports that to a large extent best all aspects of current cars, and this is up to us to make the choice.







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