
雅思大作文:life in a 'thrown-away' society_雅思成绩网上查询

2020-01-13 10:37



2020年雅思报考指南 考试时间 考试费用 考点查询 报名入口 成绩要求

雅思大作文题目:Nowadays people are living in a 'thrown-away' society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.雅思成绩网上查询


The life span of items has been shortened ever since the great expansion of social economies, which results in their clear-cut destiny of being thrown away over a limited period after production. The major reasons of this lies in the development of manufacture industry and the consequent and indulged consuming habits of users, thus leading to some issues on environment, economy and citizens.

The formation of fast consuming culture depends on three main factors. The prime and fundamental one to blame is the great progress of technologies on goods production, which hence bring massive amounts of goods with more affordable prices. Moreover, the commodity producers have accustomed to minimize the life cycle of products and sell more by making improvements and generating new versions way more attractive to buyers. Lastly,no one including the government at first has encouraged or promoted thrift f or the public or at school, and all parties were enjoying the boost of economy instead.

The problems are obvious according to present global context. Environmental pollution, as the most apparent one, is now taking its toll by using land fill garbage to poison water sources, utilizing remains of fertilizers to contaminate the soil and feeding plastic waste to kill wild animals. As well as that, it cost a fortune to deal better with the disposals and the young who have adopted consumerism are suffering from peer comparisons and heavy debt.

To sum up, it seems to be infeasible to embrace people's previous consuming habits for the sake of life standard and economy. It is reasonable to fear a worse situation in the near future.







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