2021-01-08 09:09
1 What kind of clothes do you often wear in daily life?
In my normal, everyday life, I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt, perhaps a skirt or a dress in summer. It really depends. But usually quite casual clothes – clean and presentable, but casual attire, normally.
解析:attire在答案中用作名词,意思是服装,衣服。casual attire的意思就是休闲服装。
2 Is there any difference between the clothes you wear on weekends and weekdays?
Perhaps there’s a bit of a difference, yes. During the week I tend to focus more on wearing conventional styles, because I have to go to work and must look a bit smarter. On weekends I tend to be more laid-back and wear more casual clothes, perhaps even slightly more informal clothes. For example if I go to a party or something I might dress up in heels and sort of more striking-looking dresses, which I don’t tend to wear in the office.
解析:如果是上班族,那么他们在工作日和休息日的着装通常是会有区别的。conventional的意思是传统的;look smart,这里的smart指的不是“聪明”,而是“整洁而漂亮的”;laid-back的意思是“休闲放松的”,和casual是同义词。
3 Is there any color you dislike when buying clothes?
I don’t really like yellow. I don’t think this colour suits me. Also pastel shades don’t really suit me, either. I prefer plain colours, subdued colours for work, and perhaps more bold colours if I go out on the weekend with friends.
解析:这个答案展示了三个有关颜色的表达:pastel shades的意思是“柔和的色调”,一般表示淡色系;同样地,plain colours的意思也是淡色,而bold colours的意思就明显相反了,表示“夸张大胆的颜色”。
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