2015-10-14 09:32
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sportsteaches people lessons about life.
Some see sports as something with little application to everyday life.Sports, they say, are at best good for keeping you fit. But I disagree. Sportscan teach us many lessons that can applied to life in general.
The most obvious lesson a sport can teach us is the value of teamwork—atleast, team sports can teach us this. When I was younger I played lacrosse andsoccer, and I learned that a team either works together or it fails together.When people were focused on supporting each other and complimenting each other’sskills, we played exceptionally. But when egos started to rule and people becamefocused on how many points they scored, the team’s performance took a nosedive.Even star players cannot carry a team if no one is willing to assist them. Inteam sports, as in many situations in life, great things are usually only beachieved when a group of people works harmoniously towards the same goal.
Sports can also teach us about how to deal with failure. I remember thefirst loss I experienced as a soccer player. Our team had won the first threegames of the season, and about 10 minutes from the end of our fourth match, ourteam was up two points and victory seemed inevitable. Then the unthinkablehappened—over the next five minutes, the opponent recovered and scored threegoals, then successfully defended their lead until the end of the match. Theloss devastated our team, and as we approached next match our spirits were low.But our coach reminded us that failure is an integral part of growth, and thatwe needed to analyze what we did wrong so that we could emerge even strongerthan before. After reviewing the tapes and revising our strategy, we came backto play a successful season. And the next time we played the team that defeatedus, we beat them 3-0. Even the best of teams will lose a game now and then.Sports taught me that the important thing is to pick yourself up afterwards andkeep going.
Finally, sports can teach us things the concept of “sportsmanship.” Life isfilled with moments of competition. Some deal with this by seeing competitors asenemies. Others will use competition as a justification for doing anything ittakes to win. But playing sports has taught me a better way. You can know thatsomeone is your competitor, but still respect and admire them. And you can putyour all into winning a competition without resorting to questionable means. Iremember one lacrosse game against a tough opponent. At one point it looked likewe had fouled the opponent, but despite the other team lagging behind, theydecided not to call the foul. We were so moved that after the game, we took themout to pizza and became friends with the team.
Sports can actually teach us much about life. Through sports, we learn thevalue of teamwork, the right way to deal with failure, and how to conductourselves honorably in relation to competitors. These are all invaluablelessons.托福报名费
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