

2015-10-14 09:53


作者:北美研发中心 张仪




你同意以下的观点吗?国家最好的提高教育质量的方法是增加老师的工资Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?

The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is toincrease the teachers' salaries.


Reading: solar energy is a better alternation for oil and nuclear energy(1)no pollution (2)the resource is plentiful (3)can work in remote area

Lecture: disagree (1)take much space. 25% city area to support the city.(2)In order to store the energy, people must use battery. The material to makebattery is rare. For example the lead. (3)located in remote area is notconvenient to repair. Also to maintain solar system need high technology.


口1: 描述你最enjoy的一天,AND WHY


口1: 有个group要保护环境,你能提供哪些建议?

口1: Do you agree or disagree that it is a good idea for university to ask astudent to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain yourresponse in details.

口2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universityeducation is more important than it was in the past.

口2:有free time 是和朋友一起 还是alone


口3: 阅读:music building change

reading:music building 改造完成,有地方拿来做locker,来保存学生的乐器。还有建专门的联系房。


原因1 更加方便,不用carry instrument back and forth。淋雨或什么的会损坏乐器.

2 现在只能在dorm练习,现在有练习房,不会影响别人休息了



Announcement: The university decides to add music concerts during thelunchtime.

Reason 1: Good for music student to have chances to perform

Reason 2: Provide food during the intersection


The woman agrees

Reason 1: The university usually has only one concert at the end of theyear, so that music students are not able to perform many pieces of music.Adding concerts during the lunchtime would provide them opportunities to performmore pieces of music that they practiced.

Reason 2: The music building is far away from other class buildings.Students have to squeeze their time to attend to the concert. So it is greatthat the university provides food for them for their convenience.


Definition: Environment impact assessment, "The purpose of the assessmentis to ensure that decision makers consider the environmental impacts whendeciding whether or not to proceed with a project.”

Example: The professor gives an example of a construction company. Thecompany was going to build a shopping center on a large land. Before theconstruction, they did a study and found the land was wetland. Their originalplan was to fill solid soil into this land. But the environment impactassessment said that the wetland was very important for the environment. Itcould prevent flooding because it could hold water. So they decided not to fillthe land and cancel this plan. Alternatively, they moved to another piece ofland.

口4: 阅读:hide sight bias 是指有些人明明没有预测到结果,但是往往结果出来之后自己却说以前就预测到了.

听力:教授: 我朋友写了一本书,novel,她一直很担心没有出版社要去出版.anyway,她还是去尝试了.幸运的是有出版商帮她出版了.我与她聊起此事时,她说:我早就知道会有出版商愿意出版的。因为我的书很好

口4: 阅读讲了一种动物的行为,就是说它们会养成一种习惯即使是情况改变了.

听力里教授讲了两个例子,一个是一种公的鱼,他们会有自己的领地,然后攻击其他的公鱼(Which is remarked inred),后来即使是看到其他的红色的东西也会攻击.另一个例子是讲母鱼会怎么MOVING THEIRHEAD来保护他们的卵,后来即使是卵被拿开了他们仍然会这样做.


听力里教授讲了两个例子,一个是一种公的鱼,他们会有自己的领地,然后攻击其他的公鱼(Which is remarked inred),后来即使是看到其他的红色的东西也会攻击.另一个例子是讲母鱼会怎么MOVING THEIRHEAD来保护他们的卵,后来即使是卵被拿开了他们仍然会这样做.

口4:当一个人得到higher rate of payment(高于他们应得的)就会1.工作的更快更有效率 2.会在相同的时间下做更多的工作。

没太听出来professor的态度举了一个出版社的校对人员(proof read)的例子。加薪后效率高,薪水回去之后效率也变为从前。

口5:春假来了男学生问女学生干嘛去 女学生很纠结 每年都回家和父母呆一周 但是今年不行 因为她sign up 了geology trip to amountain 去做hiking和观察rock 她认为很有趣 但是这件事一直没告诉她父母 最近她才知道她sister春假从国外回来她也很想和她一起过春假她sister甚至已经把她想要一起做事情的清单给他发过来了 她自己分析了两种办法,一个不去trip 因为可以下次,一个是不回家 夏天再和sister见面男的没提出自己的观点只是一直在旁边附和。

口5: 女生有个问题是她有个机会去参加一个Research team,但是她又要去参加internship,因Researchteam给的钱太少了,然后男生就给了她两个建议,一个是去要求researchteam给她多点的钱.还有一个我没听清楚.好像是找其他时间做internship哇...然后女的说有很多人都想参加这个researchteam,如果她再去提这个要求的话可能就会把这个机会给别人了.


Problem: The girl dropped her cellphone at her parent's house, but sheneeds it to make calls and send text messages on campus.

Solution 1: Drive back to pick it up

Pro: /

Con: It would take 3 hour. And she will have a chemistry exam this week.She wants to prepare for it rather than spend time on the road.

Solution 2: Ask her parents to mail it to her

Pro: She could use someone’s phone first while waiting for hers

Con: But they cannot mail it until tomorrow, it would also take time forher to pick it up from the campus drop box.

口6讲的是广告学....说一个什么name recognition很重要,先是说怎么样子做到namerecognition,是要重复产品的名字,同时这个名字也应该出现在电视屏幕上.后来又讲为什么namerecognition很重要,举了两个例子,一个是说消费者在看到很多同类产品的时候肯定会买名字比较熟悉的一种.另一个是说广告中介绍了产品的优点以后必须要让消费者记住名字才有用.

口6:.infant animal有一种天生的escape from predator 的能力(只在小时候长大就消失)例子1是一种狮子身上有花纹和其他pattern可以隐藏在shrub和其他东西里 2是一种鸟 他的小鸟在水里生活 长大后飞出来

口6:seabird 的challenge adaptation:

1 sunlight too bright。但是seabird have small eyes ,阳光不易射进去,所以也能看;

2 salty water: seabird 体内有一个器官可以absorb remove salt,这样就能喝道fresh water.








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