2015-10-30 10:21
作者:Laura McMullen
To the alphabet soup of international development banks (ADB, AfDB, CAF,EBRD, IADB), add one more set of initials: AIIB, or for the uninitiated, theAsian Infrastructure Investment Bank. On October 24th, representatives from 21Asian nations signed an agreement to establish the AIIB, which, as its namesuggests, will lend money to build roads, mobile phone towers and other forms ofinfrastructure in poorer parts of Asia. China spearheaded the bank and hopes toformally launch it by the end of next year.
More money for critical projects might seem unambiguously good, but theAIIB has stoked controversy because Asia already has a multilateral lender, theAsian Development Bank (ADB). Why is China creating a new development bank forAsia?
China’s official answer is that Asia has a massive infrastructure fundinggap. The ADB has pegged the hole at some $8 trillion between 2010 and 2020.Existing institutions cannot hope to fill it: the ADB has a capital base (moneyboth paid-in and pledged by member nations) of just over $160 billion and theWorld Bank has $223 billion. The AIIB will start with $50 billion in capital —hardly enough for what is needed but still a helpful boost.
Moreover, while ADB and World Bank loans support everything fromenvironmental protection to gender equality, the AIIB will concentrate itsfirepower on infrastructure. Officially at least, ADB and World Bank officialshave extended a cautious welcome to the new China-led bank, saying they see roomfor collaboration.
Behind the scenes, though, the Chinese initiative has set off a heateddiplomatic battle. America has lobbied allies not to join the AIIB, while JinLiqun, the Chinese official who will head the bank, has shuttled betweencountries to persuade them to sign up. At the bank’s inauguration ceremony,Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were conspicuously absent.
In public, the concern cited by America and some of the hold-outs has beena lack of clarity about AIIB’s governance. Critics warn that the China-led bankmay fail to live up to the environmental, labour and procurement standards thatare essential to the mission of development lenders. However, China has insistedthat AIIB will be rigorous in adopting the best practices of institutions suchas the World Bank. Given that the bank will be placed under such a closemicroscope, there is good reason to believe China on this.
But the real, unstated tension stems from a deeper shift: China will usethe new bank to expand its influence at the expense of America and Japan, Asia'sestablished powers. China’s decision to fund a new multilateral bank rather thangive more to existing ones reflects its exasperation with the glacial pace ofglobal economic governance reform. The same motivation lies behind the NewDevelopment Bank established by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China andSouth Africa). Although China is the biggest economy in Asia, the ADB isdominated by Japan; Japan’s voting share is more than twice China’s and thebank’s president has always been Japanese. Reforms to give China a little moresay at the International Monetary Fund have been delayed for years, and even ifthey go through America will still retain far more power. China is,understandably, impatient for change. It is therefore taking matters into itsown hands.
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