2015-11-26 17:07
The most important investment for a big company is to improve theefficiency and proficiency of its employees. Do you agree or disagree with thestatement? 提高员工技能是公司最重要的投资,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:提高员工技能是公司最重要的投资】
The benefits that students can get from student organization or clubactivities are as many as that they can get from their academic studies. Do youagree or disagree with the statement? 学生们从学生组织以及俱乐部获得的利好和从学习中获得的利好一样多, 是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:校园活动和学术教育】
The universities should spend more money in improving facilities(libraries, computer labs) than hiring famous teachers. Do you agree or disagreewith the statement? 大学应该花更多的钱提高教学设施,而不是招募名师,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:完善教学设施还是招募名师】
Movies and TV made in your country are more interesting compared withmovies and programs made in another country. Do you agree or disagree with thestatement?本国的电影电视比外国的电影电视更加有趣,是否同意?【点击查看本题语料库:外国电影和本国电影哪个更有趣】
【成功类 + 观点类】
Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely tosucceed than students who do not. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?卧室整洁的孩子更容易成功,是否同意?【点击查看本题语料库:卧室整洁的孩子更容易成功】
Which contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? Good food,good location or good friends to travel with? 打造完美假期的要素是美食,美景还是好友? 【点击查看本题语料库:好友带来完美假期】
【友谊类 + 比较类】
It is better for people to have friends who are intelligent than to havefriends who have a good sense of humor. 交幽默的朋友好还是患难与共的朋友好? 【交幽默的朋友好还是患难与共的朋友】
Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now ratherthan later . Do you agree or disagree with the statement?耐心不是很好的策略,我们应该起而行动,不是等待,是否认同?【点击查看本题语料库:成功来自行动还是耐心】
People who move out of native village or town are more successful andhappier than people who stay in their native village or town. Do you agree ordisagree with the statement? 远走他乡这比久居故土者更加成功幸福,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:远走他乡是否比久居故土更幸福】
To increase economic growth, the government should ignore the environmentalconcerns. Do you agree or disagree with the statement为了经济的增长,政府可以忽视环保,是否同意? 【点击查看本题语料库:政府发展经济还是保护环境】
Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen tothe music while doing their homework 在做作业的时候,孩子们可以使用手机或者是听音乐,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:孩子做作业时是否可以听歌上网】
It is less important to eat with families regularly nowadays. Do you agreeor disagree with the statement? 和家人有规则地聚餐已经不再那样重要,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:家庭聚餐是否依然重要】
The best way to learn about a foreign country is to read the newspapers andmagazines from that country. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?最好的方式了解外国就是阅读报纸和杂志,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:阅读是否是了解国外的最佳方式】
It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than relax bydoing physical exercise Do you agree or disagree with the statement?读书和看电影是比运动更好的放松方式,是否认同? 【点击查看本题语料库:电影和书籍是比运动更好的放松方式】
Can two people be good friends if one person has more money than the other?财富悬殊者是否可以成为好友? 【点击查看本题语料库:财富悬殊者是否可以成为好友】
Should all school teachers be required to attend courses every 5 years toupdate their knowledge 所有中小学教师都应该被要求每5年进修学习一次,是否认同?【点击查看本题语料库:是否所有的中小学教师应该每五年进修学习一次】
When you choose a university, do you care more about its graduates'vocational development than its professors' fames?选择大学,你更加关注就业前景还是教授名誉? 【点击查看本题语料库:选大学看重专业前景还是教授名誉】
It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement?一个人不可能永远对于朋友证实(2011年12月17日托福考题) 【点击查看本题语料库:人是否可以永远对朋友诚实】
The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food today? Do you agreeor disagree with the statement? 我们过去吃的食物比现在更加健康,是否认同?【点击查看本题语料库:过去的食物比现在更健康】
Some jobs pay high salaries to employees but require them live far awayfrom their family and friends.Some jobs pay low salaries but allow employees tolive closer with their family and friends.Which kind of choice do you prefer?有些工作高薪但是要求职员离开亲人朋友在异地工作,有些工作低薪但是职员不必远离亲人朋友,你喜欢哪种选择? 【点击查看本题语料库:远走他乡赚取高薪还是享受亲情赚取低薪】
新东方网专栏作家:薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥),高中时代出版诗文集《选择坚强》, 每年创作20万字托福雅思原创语料库以及范文。吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教学经历),前长春新东方功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作7.5分,托福写作29分)。
教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)
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