2015-12-11 10:40
It is important for government to provide money for things that arebeautiful not just for things that are practical. 相比于务实的事情,政府为美丽的事物投资也很重要。
Government’s core function is to provide for health, safety, education anddefense of its citizens. It may be tempting to argue that by focusing on thingspleasing to behold, a government can harvest more support. I, however, believethis could be a bad idea, and eye-catcher projects can be no substitute for oneswith practical purposes.
Consider real estate. The recent decades has witnesses a boom in majesticmansions and skyscrapers on a global scale. While they are all pleasing to oureyes, quite a few boasts fashionably hallow designs taking up much space yetserving few practical purposes. Even so, governments still play along, fundingprojects and enforcing policies in the hop of a sound public image. However, allthis could be in vain we the housing reality of the working class has become soharsh that few others would step up to fill the role. If the government couldsubsidize affordable housing, things would be a lot better for strugglingcollege graduates. Studies have shown a majority persons have to postpone theirwedding plans as the results of inability to buy a house. Affordable housingdoes not necessarily make a good headline, but government is doing the rightthing of the benefits of the public from a practical sense.
Also, Consider the public transit. Maglev train can be regarded as aremarkable milestone in transportation history. The sleek design and fast speedgives this invention aura of fame and the government aura of flourish. Can wethus assume the administration is a successful one? The answer is negative. Thistechnological advancement is rather costly and energy inefficient. At theexpense of huge financial and human resources, the government manages to presentthe world with an eye-catcher yet fails to satisfy the needs of the majority.Poorly maintained bus lines and overly crowed subways are the reality for thepublic. It surely falls under the rubrics of government responsibility toupgrade the current public transit. Such practical pan does not always gathermuch spotlight but if we take a long view, government is making a contributioncommuters can benefits from on an every-day basis.
To sum up, nice-looking projects tend to be a huge drain on government’sresources. Things that seem to be practical, on the other hand, deserve moreattention.托福听力词汇
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