2016-03-29 10:32
托福写作预测题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The purposeof television is to educate not to entertain.(电视的功能是娱乐还是教育?)
Television can be seen in restaurants, clubs, and living rooms, withprograms ranging from informative documentaries to interesting movies. Somepeople believe that its purpose is to be educative while others hold an oppositeview, claiming that television should be used for entertainment instead. Whilethere is some element of truth in both arguments, I believe that there is nosignificant need to purposely assign the function of television to eithereducation or entertainment.托福培训
On the one hand, television can provide pure entertainment. Some funny andhorror movies have nothing to do with education. They are designed to provideviewers with laughter or horror. For example, in the movie Final Destination, Ilearned nothing useful, but I love watching this kind of programs, because Ilike being frightened, which I may never experience in my actual life. Comedyshows are necessary too. After a whole day’s work, what most people need is truerelaxation.
On the other hand, television can also offer instructional classes. Itsfunctions nowadays are various and practical. One of the pragmatic andinstrumental functions is to store programs that you want to watch again. Thismakes television a desirable learning tool. For students living in rural areaswhere access to the Internet and quality education is next to impossible, theeducational programs offered by television are good and indispensable choices.By watching these programs, students from less developed areas and disadvantagedfamilies have the opportunity of being decently educated.
Besides the abovementioned programs, there are also programs that are bothinformative and interesting. For example, some documentaries and televisionseries inform us about lessons regarding history, love, and friendship. Watchingthis kind of programs is rewarding, exciting, and thought-provoking.
From the above discussion, I can draw the conclusion that television can beboth informative and entertaining depending on the content being shown. There isusually no need to make a clear distinction. Different programs serve differentpurposes, all of which are imperative and indispensable in our lives. (333)
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