2016-06-30 10:14
2015年9月5日的托福考试应该重点复习哪些题目? 新东方国外部的孟炎老师为大家带来9月5日托福独立口语预测题,本预测为小范围预测题,包括托福口语第一题20套,第二题20套。希望大家取得满意的托福成绩!更多关于9月5日的托福预测题目详见》》》2015年9月5日托福考试预测
Task 1
1. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses hismorning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect hisgrade. What advice would you give him and why?
Personally, I would suggest him sleep early, actually he should go to bedbefore 10 o'clock, and then he can take a good rest, hence the next day he cango to the class refreshed. Additionally, I would say he should talk to theprofessor and ask him or her if it is possible for him to make up the absence inanother way, like doing an extra credit assignment and I bet if he is sincereenough, the professor will understand his tough situation and might say yes tohim, so eventually he can keep a higher GPA.
2. Your friend has a lot of work to do. Suggest a hobby to him to help himspend his weekend more delightful.
Personally, there are lots of hobbies he can develop so that he can releasethe nerve strains he has about his work and I think playing basketball can bethe most helpful. To begin with, it is pretty intense to play basketball, and heneeds to run around on the court, therefore he burns lots of fat within his bodyand that helps him stay healthy and keep fit, and it benefits his cardiovascularsystem. Additionally, Playing basketball can help him make lots of friends, andit is also a great way to connect with old friend, since it requires the spiritof teammate work.
3. Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain whyyou would like to spend time with this person.
Well, I would like to spend time with my friend Iddie, I met him when I wason an exchange program to study in America. I would not say he is a smart orintelligent person, but the fortitude and willpower he has to achieve somethinghe really aspires are so inspiring. He grew up in Ghana, a underdevelopedcountry in Africa. Though he had lots of setbacks in his life, he nevercomplained about anything, and he just hunkered down and made an effort to makehis life better. His passion and attitude for life are so contagious that Ialways look up to him.
4. What personal quality do you admire the most? Creativity, courage orintelligence?
Personally, I would say my most admirable quality is creativity. As themost famous physicist Einstein once said, imagination is more important thanknowledge. Indeed, creativity and imagination can make lots of things happen.For example, it is creativity that helped Steve Jobs to design the best and mostconvenient desktop, not courage and intelligence. Actually, lots of professionsrequire a person to be creative, like artist, designers and even salesmen. Forinstance, A artist can use his or her creativity to draw vivid art work eventhough the stuff in their art work might not even exist.
5. Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe.Explain what happened and why it was memorable. Give specific details in yourresponse.
I would say my most memorable experience in a restaurant is my 18thbirthday party, my best friend Alex helped me to organize the party. I can stillrecall that it was a Mexican restaurant called Siesta, the food there was reallygreat, like the taco, tortilla chips with some chili sauce and guacamole, and itwas so fresh. Additionally, the places was decorated like a tropic jungle withlots of exotic plantations, I felt like I was in a tropic forest when I wasdinning there. Most importantly of all, I felt like I am so lucky to have lotsof friends celebrating my birthday, and I am so grateful to them, actually, thatoccasion in this restaurant brought me and my friends closer.
6. Which one of the following factor do you think is most important when itcomes to traveling. Low cost, good weather, or various activities?
Well, Personally, I would say the most important factor is the activitiesthat I can do during the trip. If I go to beautiful places, I will definitelyappreciate the natural beauty, and it will be a shame for me to miss out thechance. If I am going to travel in a coastal city, I like water activities,surfing, water skiing, you can never say that you have been traveling in acoastal city without trying out these aquatic activities. Additionally, it willbe a great shame for me not to do some camping if I plan to climb a beautifulmountain.
7. Choose one of the following natural environment and explain why youwould like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore orsomewhere else?
Personally, I prefer to live by the seashore. To begin with, the scenery ofa coastal city can be breathtaking, for instance, I can appreciate the beauty ofmother nature, the sunrise and sunset can be really spectacular, and at the sametime, I get a chance to see the tropical plants, like coconut tree, banana treeand even palm trees. Additionally, I have the opportunity to taste the localseafood, like salmon, shrimp, and even lobster. Lastly, I could try out somewater activities, like, surfing, scuba diving, and tubing, which is prettythrilling.
8. Which of the following forms of art would you choose to learn:sculpture, portrait, or landscape painting? Explain why. Please include reasonsand details in your explanation.
Personally, I prefer to learn to draw landscape. By choosing this kind ofart form, I got a chance to travel to different places with various kinds ofterrains, like desert, lake, coastal city, tropical rainforest, and evenmountainous areas. Apart from that, besides learning how to draw these beautifullandscapes, I can learn local culture, customs, and even local dialects byinteracting with the local people, so I can broaden my horizon and enrich myexperience accordingly.
9. Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you werea child, explain your answer in details.
My most memorable experience when I was a kid is to take the vacation onthe beach with the whole family. Since, my home town is not far from a coastalcity in China. We went there, enjoyed bathing in the sun while appreciating thebeautiful scenery alone the seashore, like the blossom and palm trees and stuff.We tried out the sea food like salmon, tuna and even some lobsters. Apart fromthat, the most exciting stuff I did when visiting this nice and beautiful citywas sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiingwith my dad. But I remembered that I got a little sun though.
10. What measure can you suggest to help improve the campusenvironment?
I would say the university should invest some money to provide garbage binsthat allows the students and faculty members to categorize their trash. As knownto all, some of the trash is recyclable like soda cans, paper and glass. One ofthe major reasons why there is rampant littering in my campus is that there arenot enough trash cans on campus. By providing more trash cans, and with propereducation, hopefully we can make the community members more environmentconscious and make our campus a better place.
11. Which of the following do you think is the most difficult andchallenging for university students? Being far away from families, finding timeto relax or making new friends.
I think finding time to relax is the most difficult one for a collegestudent. As known to all, the tuition keeps rising from year to year, in orderto relieve the financial burden, lots of students took two even three part-timejobs off-campus like, bar-tender, dining server and delivery driver. Apart fromthat, the coursework is pretty tough. They have mid-terms, research paper, andpresentation to work on during the whole semester. They are bombarded with boththeir part-time job and workload from school, so the most difficult thing is tofind time to relax.
12. What kind of characteristics or components should a good schoolhave?
Well, personally, I think prestigious universities should have betterfacilities, science students depend on lab equipments to test theories in books,just learning theories without experiment in the lab is too boring andunproductive, so facilities, like research centers are very important. On top ofthat, professors are the key resource of a university, cuz they are the ones whocan motivate the students and develop their skills and make them more creative,thus giving the students a better chance to be successful in the future.
13. If you can have a part-time job at the university what position wouldyou choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide or a library assistant?
Personally, I prefer to be a lab assistant. By being a lab assistant, I gota chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice, thus theknowledge that I learn in classrooms can be tested by myself, and that can bevery awesome. Apart from that, I can also interact with the scientist working inthe lab and enlighten myself. Working together with them can be very meaningful,since I plan to get my Ph.D in physics and become a physicist in the future. Theworking experience as a lab assistant can be very valuable when I am applyingfor the graduate school, it will give me a better shot to get scholarship.
14. Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he or she helpedyou and what was the result?
When I was in junior high, I had to learn English for the first time, andit was really hard for me to pick up at first. The words, grammar and sentencepatterns are just so different from Chinese. But with the help of my Englishteacher, I gradually learnt some basic words and useful phrases, and I startedpracticing English with foreigners whenever I got a chance, the more I acquire,the more I am willing to learn and I put more effort and I am determined to bereally good in English. Now, after so many years, I am still a big fan of theEnglish language, and I cannot live a single day without it.
15. Which of the following teaching methods do you consider the mosteffective, a field trip to local places of interest, tutoring sessions thatprovide individual help or presentations given by local leaders? Please includereasons and examples to support your choice.
I would say the best way learn is to go on a field trip, and actually Istill remember my field trip back in primary school. We went to the zoo, notlike watching a video, I got a chance to interact with animals under theinstruction of the zoo keeper, they were so lovely. What I am trying to say isthat students can discover stuff that doesn't come across in pictures or videosor even in a classroom. Apart from that, learning through exploration is morefun and effective. There are students who got a hard time reading textbooks,however, going on a field trip, they are totally engaged in the stuff they aregoing to see, thus they concentrate better and can learn more.
16. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free,which of the following class you will choose to take, give reason to explainyour choice. 1) A financial course to help you manage money 2) car maintenanceand repair 3)Review of Latin-American music
I would say I like to take a financial course, cuz, it is very importantfor someone to be financially independent and manage their money efficiently, bygoing to a financial course one can learn lots of stuff, like
when it is the right time to invest in stocks, or to buy gold as a form ofasset, or even understand the overall economic condition of the country. Afriend told me that he recently signed up a on line lecture on how to make wiseinvestment in stock market, and he followed the instructions, and it turned outthat he made a very good call by buying the stock from a company, which wasrecommended in the class, and made a big killing in it.
17. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to eachother and what is the most common gifts.
Well, people give gifts to one another on lots of occasions, like gettingmarried, having a new baby, or even on a graduation day. But I would like totalk about Chinese lunar new year, generally, seniors in the family, likegrandparents, aunts and uncles give red envelopes to the younger generation. Itis basically some pocket money, and it has great significance. It symbolizesthat the kids are loved and cared by the senior, and they will be blessed forthe rest of the year.
18. Talk about an organization or club you want to join and why.
I would like to join in the swimming club, cuz if I joined the club, Iwould have a chance to compete together with my teammates to represent myuniversity. That would be a great honor to get to do that. In some competitions,I have to work with my teammates to win the game, and it gives me a strong senseof belonging and I feel I am needed by the team, my teammate and I would cheerup each other and get inspirations, encouragements from my fellow teammates. Ontop of that, I am a big swimming fan, when I am swimming in the pool, I feel sorelaxed and it is a very good way to keep fit.
19. Talk about how cell-phone has changed people's lives. Explain youranswer in details.
I do think that cell phones improved people's lives, to begin with it helpspeople to contact with family member and friends when they are far away fromhome, we can send instant messages or make phone calls whenever we want to, Ithink cell phone has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication soinstant. Plus, with wifi access and a smart phone, we can shop on line. Withjust a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is deliveredright at your door. It is also easy to compare the prices offered by differenton-line stores and get a bargain. That is why I think cell phones improvedpeople's lives.
20. Imagine that you have to give up watching TV for one month, would thisbe difficult for you? Explain why.
Well, personally, I would say it will not be difficult for me to do that.Cuz, honestly, I am not a fun of watching TV, since most of the time, I ampretty busy with my school assignment, like presentations, group projects andresearch papers, and stuff. Plus, even if I really need some information ofcurrent events, like sports, technology, and politics, I can always use my smartphone and with a touch on the screen, the whole world is basically in front ofme.
Task 2
1. Agree or disagree: Zoos are useful than harmful to animals.
Personally, I couldn't agree more that zoos help to protect animals ratherthan harm them. To begin with, some animals that might live in really harshenvironment, like the Arctic region, Sahara deserts, and even in extremely dryareas. However, the zoo can be a very good place to shelter such animals, andthey can live in a clean and comfortable environment with abundant food to feedthemselves. Additionally, by keeping animals in the zoos, citizens, especiallythe younger generation will get a chance to closely observe them, thus they willknow the animals better, hopefully, this can raise their awareness to protectendangered species.
2. Would you like to live with a roommate from your own country or fromother countries?
Personally, I am the kind of person who like to experience totally newthings. Living in with a roommate from other countries help me to know an exoticculture that might be distinctive from mine, and despite our differences ofcultural background, we can interact with each other and share our thoughts ondifferent issues, thus we can have unique perspectives. For example, thewesterners embrace individualism and oriental people welcome collectivism, andthey are very cautious about an individual's private matter, however people fromthe east might not take that seriously. Eventually, we can enrich experience andbroaden our horizon accordingly.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is importantfor a school to have experienced teachers.
Personally, I couldn't agree more that school should have experiencedteachers. To begin with, it is more likely for experienced teachers to try outnew approaches in teaching, like they might induct the students and put moreemphasis on the students' active thinking instead of mechanically feeding thestudents with information, hence, they can help students to improve theirlearning efficiency. Additionally, students are more inclined to be attracted byexperienced teachers than by rookie teachers, thus a school with experiencedteachers can attract more students and increase their enrollment.
4. Some people prefer to buy a product as soon as it is in the market.Other people prefer to purchase a product when it has been in the market forsome time. Which do you prefer and why?
I would say I like to buy innovative high-tech products after the pricegoes down, and I have a few reasons for support. First and foremost, productswith cutting edge and state of the art technology are usually very expensivewhen they first come out, and as a college student I do not have lost money towaste on that, cuz I have to pay college tuition, textbooks and stuff like that.Additionally, we consume technological products for its convenience and theywill be as valuable and convenient as they firstly show up in the market, so itismore advisable to buy that after a while.
5. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would youchoose? An art class or a science class?
Personally, I prefer to choose take an art class. I think it is veryrelaxing, and at the same time, it can be very rewarding to learn some art, likeI might understand how to appreciate delicate artwork, such as, porcelain vase,water color painting, sculpture. Plus, art is the expression of the humanity.Without it, we would have no hope, no aspirations, no joy, just nothingmeaningful and enlightening, and one can never underestimate the value of artand music, actually, If you try any form of art, you will get a break from thestresses of life, work and study!
6. Some people prefer to read imaginative literature like fictions in theirspare time,while others prefer to read real literature or nonfictions, such ashistorical books and biographies. Which kind of books do you prefer, andwhy?
Personally, I choose to read fictions, especially science fiction. Not onlycan I get some knowledge about the frontiers in scientific research, I can alsorelax myself. The storyline of the novel can be really intriguing, thus when Iread a novel, I get deeply involved in the story, and I feel I can connect tothe characters so much that nothing can hold me back from finishing it once Istart to read a novel. However, when it comes to nonfiction, it would be prettyboring, since the materials are fairly abstract for me to understand, therefore,it might be hard for me to get focused when I read nonfictions.
7. Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win.Which do you prefer and why?
Personally, most of the time, I play games for enjoyment. I am the kind ofperson, who wants to live a leisurely lifestyle, and I am not aggressive orcompetitive or anything. For me, the whole point of playing games is to relax,and have some fun. Moreover, I am already fed up with peer pressure, as a highschool student, I am judged by academic performance, and actually, I am sostressed out. So, instead of fighting against each other, which is intensive,tiring, I prefer to play games for fun and joy.
8. which do you prefer gather information before travel OR do not gather,just experience yourself there.
Personally, I am cautious person, and most of the time, I plan things aheadof time. When I travel somewhere, I do gather information before I visit theplace. By gathering information before the trip, I can know which hotel is themost comfortable, where can I eat nice local food, and activities I should notmiss out when visiting a particular place. Plus, I might find some taboos inthat local area, and get some heads-up or tips on-line, therefore, I can savemyself from embarrassment. Most importantly, if I plan my itinerary ahead oftime, I will use my time more efficiently, and have a better travelingexperience.
9. Do you agree or disagree that to be successful, a person should study inthe university?
I disagree that a person should study in the university to be successful. Idon't think that people should study in the university to be successful, thereare numerous examples to support my statement. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, theydrop out of universities and they are very successful entrepreneurs. there areeven high school dropouts who started their business and are quite successful.You can learn knowledge from university, but one needs soft skills like how tobe people smart person, which doesn't require a person to go to university tolearn. Knowing how to deal with people is more important than what you learnedin universities. In other words, it is not about what you know, it is about whoyou know.
10. Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study athome or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons anddetails in your response.
I would say I'd like to study in the library. The most obvious reason isthat it is very quiet in the library, and I can fully focus on my work andnothing can distract me. There are just too much distraction to study at home, Ican lay on my bed and play computer games when I feel bored, it is just not thatproductive compared to studying in the library. Plus, when studying in thelibrary, I feel like people around me are also studying, and that is amotivation for me to concentrate on my own work. For these reasons, I would sayI like to study in the library.
11. Some people enjoy indoor activities, other prefer to do outdooractivities. Which do you prefer?
Personally, I like to get out and have some fun, to begin with I have morechoices if I choose to do outdoor activities, like climbing mountain, gofishing, go boating or canoeing. However, if I chose to stay indoors, I feellike I would be bound by the activities that I could do. It is much moreexciting and relaxing to do activities outdoors, since not only can I keep fit,but also I have a chance to breath fresh air and I am not bound by the limitedspace indoors.
12. Some people speak out in class, others prefer to listen and quietlyobserve. Which do you think leads to greater success in school?
Personally, I prefer to speak out and discuss things with my peers. I wouldsay the best way to learn is to speak out my ideas and thoughts about issue inquestion. It is a great chance for me to develop my confidence when speaking infront of a large audience and possibly I build up my public speaking skills, andit is a very valuable skill for my future career. Additionally, the whole classgets a chance to hear multiple points of view, although some points might not beas thought-provoking, you can learn a lot of stuff beyond the textbooks anyway,and understand how an idea works in real life when people speak out and sharetheir personal experiences.
13. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians areimportant to our society.
Personally, I would say artists and musicians play a very important role inour community at large, and I have the following reasons for support. To beginwith, people nowadays are inundated with heavy workloads, regardless what kindof job they have, like salesperson, managers, lawyers, bankers and evenprofessors. They need to switch off from their work and take some time toappreciate art and music, like watching a movie, or going to see a musical, andthat'll will help them to relax and calm down, and even to refresh their mood,thus they might improve their efficiency at work. Additionally, the work byartists and musicians have enormous monetary value, like the masterpiece ofBeethoven, the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, not only are they great assets tothe country where it originated, but also are invaluable treasure for the wholehuman race.
14. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: it is better to live closeto parents than to live far away from them.
Personally, I prefer to live close to my parents for the following reasons.To begin with, I am family person, and I enjoy to spend time with my families.To spending some quality time once in a while is very important to me, andliving close to my parents can help to do that more conveniently. Plus, if welive close to each other, we can constantly look out for one another. Like if Igot sick or have some kind of emergencies, my parents can attend me in a timelymanner. Also, they are getting old, and they need my immediate care, things canbe much easier if I live close to them.
15. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: it is easier for peopletoday to lead a healthy life than people 100 years ago.
Personally, I would say it is easier for people to lead a healthy lifestyle now than the past, now, with the raising livelihood, more people haveaccess to nutritional food, like sea food, for example, salmon, tuna, shrimp andstuff like that. They are high in protein, low in carbs. Plus, the Food and DrugAdministration follow closely on the food safety issues, and it is very costlyfor relevant companies to have some loopholes in their food production. On topof all these, nowadays, people is much more attentive to their health than everbefore, with increased campaign on the both public and private side.
16. When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time orspend less time but visit more places? Explain you answer in details.
Personally, I prefer to stay at one place for a long time. As for me, thepurpose of traveling around is to experience the local cultures and customs,appreciate the natural beauty there. You might have to take your time andinteract with the locals, taking photos, and it is quite impossible for one toachieve that if they just leave the place the time they arrive. Additionally,traveling between places waste lots of precious time, which can be otherwiseused to experience and understand one single place. Also, it saves you thetrouble to plan a complicated itinerary and you don't have to worry aboutgetting stuck on your way to the next destination.
17. Do you prefer to live alone or live with others.
Personally, I prefer to live alone. Actually, I am very private person,most of the time, I keep things to myself. I would get distracted if I chose tolive with others who I might not familiar with. Actually, I am highly efficientwhen I do things without the disturb of others, like when I study I feel morecomfortable when nobody is around me. Plus, someone you are living with mighthave totally different habits and schedule when it comes to when to study orsleep or even watch TV. It would be really disruptive when one wants to studywhile the other prefers to watch TV.
18. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: employees should beprohibited to listen to music at work.
Well, personally, I think it's a very bad idea to prohibit music inworkplace. Actually, listening to music is a very good way for people to releasetheir negative emotions, like sadness, or sorrow, or even anger. Employees mightforget about the pressure in life and thus have a higher efficiency in theworkplace. Additionally, music keeps people refreshed and spurs creativity andinnovation. So, that is why it is a common practice for high-tech to allow theplay of music in their office, just so that they can create a relaxingenvironment and be more creative, and thus make more breakthroughs in theirfield.
19. Do you agree or disagree the following statement and give reasons:Parents should not allow their children to participate any form of sport(football, basketball, ice hockey.) in order to protect their health and fromany form of injuries.托福报名
Personally, I don't agree with that. I think kids should have their ownfreedom in choosing the kind of sports they like, including football, ice hockeyand stuff. To begin with, most of the sports can lead to injuries, and it shouldnot be decided by the parents which sports is more likely to cause injury, andplus lots of injuries can be prevented by proper protection, like chestprotectors and nice shoes and stuff. Additionally, kids can cultivate theircompetitiveness and build up a strong body, since the above mentioned sports arepretty intensive, and require lots of running back and forth.
20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students shouldalways study in quiet places.
Personally, I think students should always study in quiet places. To beginwith, students are likely to concentrate more when studying in quiet places,like in the library or classroom, I can fully focus on my work and nothing candistract me. There are just too much distraction to study in a noisyenvironment. Plus, when studying in quiet places, like the library, I feel likepeople around me are also studying, and that is a motivation for me toconcentrate on my own work.
孟炎,托福(TOEFL)口语优秀主讲师,毕业于密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,经济学硕士,SAS高级程序员。托福110分,GRE高分通过,2008年外研社全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖 (全省仅4人),演讲比赛优胜奖;全额奖学金获得者,曾在经济系任研究生助教教授美国本科生经济学课程。
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