

2016-09-05 10:05





Which method do you prefer in finding a job.


Topic: Applications

I think the method I would prefer is to mainly depend on some job huntingapps on my cell phone.

Supporting1: The apps contain more details of the company I might beinterested in.

Details: I once used an app called Linkdin to find a part time job forsummer break, it had all the companies and all the categories, I used it tonarrow down the field I was interested in, like I tried to find a position inMarketing field, it showed all the companies which were looking for part timeworkers in Beijing, and it also showed the scale of the companies, how manyworkers work for the company, when did it establish, and I could even contactthe some of their employees for advice, which helped me a lot while I wasstruggling on finding a job.

Supporting2: These apps provide a better way of communicating with theHR.

Details: The notifications on my phone will always keep me updated, I couldbe informed immediately to know if the HR checked my resume, or they wanted toset up an appointment for interview, I could send back my response right away toconfirm, that saved me a lot of time.


Some students prefer to study nine or ten months a year, others choose tobe in school the whole year. Which do yo think is better? Explain why.

第二题虽然从来没有要求过必须讲出另一方的缺点来对比,但对比手法在独立题中,特别是第二题里会是一个非常得心应手,而且缓解大脑费力搜寻reasons压力的方式,所以这个题我们还是用常用的对比手法,来展开思路,比如我们选择nineor ten months a year,继续用我们最顺手的topic-supporting-details来解答。

Topic: I would definitely choose to study nine or ten months a year.

Supporting1: That way I’d have time to rest and reset myself.

Details: The process of study isn’t easy, we need to focus on the class,listen carefully to teachers, and respond to teachers’ questions attentively.Like the schools in China, where students normally have 8 hours of classeveryday, all the assignments and paper works would take up the rest of thetime. We need to rest and reset at some point, just to relax and have fun withfriends, that way we could study more efficiently when we go back to school.

Supporting2: It would provide a chance to review the books.

Details: Everyone has different ways to perceive the information teacherlecture in class, as for me, sometimes it’s hard to catch up with the class. Ifit provides two months gap time every year, it would give me time to review allthe content teachers have been lecturing, find time to discuss with myclassmates or teachers if I have questions, and to fully understand the conceptof the terms in the book.

* 独立题答题时一定要明确思路,确定好reason/supporting sentence,只有确定好方向,细节才不会显得空虚无用。多听美剧,多练习地道的发音方式,多积累地道的句式和说话习惯来作为独立题的储备,考官看重内容也看重语音语调,所以答案轻松随意,易懂且方向明确也是独立题获取高分的方法之一,这些都不是一日之功。独立题非常考验大家的topicdevelopment能力,一定要在答案内容中展现细节,否则会出现很多同学会犯的问题:车轱辘话,内容空洞,答题句式重复。答案中斜体部分均为展开时的细节,可做参考。



Close gym for two weeks during spring break for some minor renovations.


Woman agrees. First, it wouldn’t cause any inconveniences cause fewerstudents left on campus at that time, and those who left will focus on study andseldom use the place. For example, when she was staying on campus to finish up aproject, she went the gym once and there was no one there. Second, outdoorfacilities are still available, and it’s perfect for outdoor activities becausethe weather is warm.




Recruitment: release signals to inform other insects to come andcooperate


For example, there is a type of ant called the Fire Ant living in SouthAmerica that lives in nests. Some ants have a special job: they have to leavethe nests to find food. When one ant finds a piece of fruit that is too big forit to carry back, it will walk back, while at the same time releasing achemical, which will form a chemical trail on the way, when one arrives otherants could follow the trail and find the fruit and then carry it backtogether.

第四题答题时阅读部分很重要,如果内容对我们来说太难就抓紧时间找到定语句开抄吧,定义句通常会伴随is known as, refer to, iscalled等关键词。如果有能力看懂一定要全文看懂,再结合定义句总结,时间允许还可以带上特点,因为阅读的发展会决定听力细节展开的内容,阅读的理解会帮助预测听力方向,减轻在听力时的压力。但答题时切不可侧重阅读,听力是我们需要展开的重点,所以阅读一两句话解释清楚,便可直接开始用大量时间解释听力部分。

Task 5:

The woman is working as a teaching assistant for professor Gilroy and sheis supposed to grade like 40 exams which is due the next day, But she forgotshe’s got other word to do tonight.

She has two solutions: one is to talk to her professor to reschedule thejob, and the other is to stay up late tonight for both of the tasks.

第五题题型非常明确,大部分的problem都可以用she/he is supposedto…but…来解释清楚,答题时切记不要在problem和solutions上过多占用时间,因为该题明显让我们答出recommendation andreasons, problems的部分只需要summarize,这是题目上明确说明的。不要只是甩出选择,随便一两句理由就撤,这样就违背了题目原意。比如这个题如果选择reschedule,可以说这样在空闲时间会有更好的精力,grade的时候更认真负责,再展开一两句细节。也可说说另一个选择的反面:如果熬夜完成可能质量不佳,对于看重grade的学生来说不公平。

Task 6:

Why solidarity develops in different society.

One reasons is because all the society members do the same kind of job.

For example: People in rural areas are mainly farmer who will deal withbasic job and so they share similar lives, solidarity develops in this societybecause the same job creates a sense of unity;托福考试官方网站

The other reason is because of different divisions of job.

For instance: People in towns have different tasks like doctors and stuff,they are interdepend. Solidarity developed in this kind of society becausepeople depend on each other.




曹晁,出生于革命圣地贵州遵义,求学于古城西安,在求学期间便开始寻找实习机会,并在一家多元文化的外企内与各个国家的留学生一起工作,之后在北京的工作。在工作之余抽出闲暇时间参加各种国际上的NGO项目,曾在传说的世界末日2012年在尼泊尔支援英语老师,也在当时被NGO组织提供到美国参与组织慈善聚会。曾就职与Apple, 工作内容主要举行商务大型或中型讲座。现任新东方VIP项目托福口语老师,致力于提供互动, 轻松,个性化的英语教学。






Life without a journey isn't a life worth living.





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