2016-11-01 15:00
Governments have done enough to educate the people the importance of ahealthy lifestyle and balanced eating.
理由一:段首句:政府在教育人们健康生活方式上面做得工作远远不够,尤其是在宣传工作和公共设施上。(Governments need to do morework on educating people the importance of healthy lifestyle, especially onpublicity and the construction of public sports facilities.)
展开句:一方面政府在宣传上力度不够,以致于现代人们有各种各样的不利于健康的生活习惯,比如说熬夜,吸烟,酗酒甚至吸毒。另一方面公共体育设施严重缺乏,导致人们无处健身。比如说我们小区周围只有一个操场,体育设施也非常的有限,每次去锻炼的时候,人都很多,而且有的设备已经老化甚至根本无法正常使用。(Forone thing, due to lack of programs about healthy lifestyle, many people in themodern society pick up various bad habits, such as staying up late, smoking,drinking excessively and even taking drugs. For another, owing to the desperateshortage of public sports facilites, people can do exercises nowhere. Forexample, in my community, there is only a small playcourt with few sportsequipments, which is full of people. Even worse, some equipments are out of usebecause of no maintanence. )
理由二:段首句:政府在饮食健康教育上做得也不好,尤其是在食品安全卫生的监管和规律饮食习惯的宣传上。(In addition, theeducation of balanced eating habits require more efforts from government,especially in the inspection of food hygiene and safety as well as publicity ofregular eating habits.)
展开句:一方面,食品安全在我国一直以来都是热议话题。但是由于政府监管不力,有很多商家在食品上以次充好。比如说三鹿。另外,政府没有很好地强调均衡饮食的重要性,所以很多人会有非常不健康的饮食习惯。比如说,人们由于快节奏的生活大都会吃一些垃圾食品,以致于他们会患上高血压,肥胖得疾病。同时,有些人甚至不吃早饭,这些习惯多对身体危害极大。Onone hand, food safety has always been one of the hottest topic in our country.Due to the limited inspection of government, many business owners use manyillegal food addictives or chemicals in their products. On the other hand, manypeople formed bad eating habits without gaining sufficient guides fromgovernment. For example, many white-collars choose to eat junk foods due to therapid pace of life. Other young people even do not have breakfast, all that dogreat harm to their health. )托福跟雅思的区别
In order to have an enjoyable vacation, which of the following threeselections is the most important for you.
1. Good food
2. Good location
3. The company of goodfriends to travel.
1. 段首句:选择好的食物,不仅可以让我们了解食物背后的饮食文化和礼仪而且也是一种放松的方式。(First of all, enjoying thegood food can keep us informed of the traditional culture and manners involvedin the food as well as serve as a good way to release pressure.)
2.段首句:另外,选择一个好的地点和朋友的陪伴各有缺陷。一个好的地点通常会伴随着人多拥挤的问题,这会很大程度上影响我们度假的心情。同时,有朋友的陪伴使得旅行不够自由,因为你要时刻考虑对方的想法。有时候,两人意见不一致还会产生矛盾,使整个度假变得都不开心。(thereare some disadvantages of the other two options. For one thing, a good locationwill definitely attract overcrowded throngs of people, which makes us feel upsetand unhappy. For another, while traveling with another person, you have to takehis/ her feeling into account and thus may have conflicting ideas of thedestination with your friend. )
A leader should have strong opinions and not change his or her mind aboutthose opinions.
1. 段首句:首先,有助于树立自己的权威,让成员更相信自己(First of all, it is of great necessity for aleader to hold strong opinions and not change them easily in order to build uphis/her authority and win the trust of the team members.)
展开句:Confucius once commented that the recognition of someone is theprecondition of listening to his instruction.
2. 段首句:有助于让团队有明确的共同目标,从而提高团队的效率。(Having strong viewpoint and not easilychanging them can make the team share a definite and common goal and thusimprove the work efficiency.)
3.结尾段:不得不承认,领导参考团队成员的建议修正自己的观点,可以提升团队成员的参与热情。但是,这个优点与我方优点相比可以被忽略。(Admittedly,leaders revise their opinions by referring to the suggestions from team members,which can improve the enthusiasm of their participation.However, compared withthe huge benefits of our position, this tivial advantage can be neglected.)
If a constructor wants to use the land in your community to build one ofthe following places, which one will you prefer?
此题目是三选一,笔者建议选择 shopping mall, 总体的结构:写出shopping mall 的两个好处,然后一段概括performancearts center 和hotel 的缺陷,最后总结即可。
中间段1:商场的好处之一是方便购物和娱乐。(First and formost, one major benefits of building ashopping mall in our community is that people can purchase anything they needconveniently and relax themselves by using various entertainmentfacilities.)
中间段2:商场的好处之二是可以提供更多的就业岗位以及创业的机会。(In addition, another main advantage ofcontructing a shopping center is to provide more job vacancies and moreopportunities to start one’s own business. )
结尾段:hotel/ performances art center两者存在的共同问题就是投入的金钱和获得的收益不成比例。Hotel建设在小区内,很少会有人去住。同样的,artscenter的吸引力也不强,因为很少有人对此感兴趣。(the common weakness of building hotel and performanceart center is that the investments are not in a positive proportion to therevenues gained from them. Few people will choose to order a room in a hotelbuilt in a community. Similarly, performance arts center is not attractivebecause the public have no interest in appreciating what is on exhibit. )
A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which theylearn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether tohold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do youthink the school should require students to take? Why?
【波波老师点睛】:这道题目是一个三选一的题目,这类题目最简单的思考方式,就是从A,B,C三个选项中,选出其中一项,然后说出这一项的好处,然后说出另外两种的缺陷,就可以了。此题,笔者建议选择managingpersonal finances,具体思路如下
理由一:获得理财能力,可以帮助学生形成理性的消费观,避免攀比心理,从而合理分配自己的零用钱。众所周知,形成合理消费的习惯对于学生现在和未来的生活都起到非常重要的作用。(Tobegin with, Acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form arational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thusmaking them allocating money properly. As we know, the formation of distributingone’s financial resources has a great influence on students’ current and futurelife. )
理由二:学习做饭会存在安全隐患,因为学生缺乏安全意识,很容易引起火灾。而且,会浪费时间,因为学生完全可以去餐厅吃饭,而不需要自己做饭。(Secondly,there are a few advantages of learning cooking. For one thing, potential safetyhazards may accompany the process of cooking, because students usually lack theawareness of safety, which may result in the outbreak of fire. For another,cooking by students themselves may waste much precious time which can be savedby eating in canteen.)
理由三:学习修车对学生来说实用性不强,因为学生出行的方式主要是自行车或做公交车。(Thirdly, learning auto repair isnot useful for students because most of them usually go to school by riding bikeor taking public transportation.)
结尾段:综上所述,我认为学校应该开始的课程是理财课。(Judging from what has been discussed above, itis reasonable to draw the conclusion that schools should require their studentsto take the course of managing finance. )
Living in cities is more satisfying than living in countryside.
(Living in cities is satisfying , due to the elaborate facilities and soundwelfare measures. )
(however, living in countryside is also satisfying due to the lower livingcost and less pressure from work )
(In my viewpoint, it depends on the financial situation of people which isa more satisfying place to live, rural or urban areas. )
赵波,英语语言学硕士,七年专业英语学习,深谙中英文思维和表达差异,了解中国学生在写作中存在的问题。英语专业八级,高分托福成绩, 阅读30分。热爱英语教学,授课风格儒雅温和又不失幽默,亲和力强,让学生能够快乐学习,轻松跨越考试。
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