

2016-11-18 10:37





大家不要担心,其实很简单,答案就在托福阅读中。只要你好好提升自身的英语水平,有朝一日你的英语阅读能力达到与托福阅读要求并驾齐驱的时候,这其中的秘密便自会揭晓。接下来我们来看一段托福阅读的文章和题目,看看来自一位《TheEvolutionary Psychology--进化心理学》的专家观点是怎么说的吧:

Paragraph 2: Women tend to believe the basic fact that if a man cannotsubdue them thoroughly and let them to admire his power and potential value ofsurvival in this world, he certainly may not hold and demonstrate his ability toprovide protection for his offspring and themselves in the future, which is adistinctive mechanism successfully evolved over hundreds of millions of years inhuman being generations—in which those excellent genes can obtain prioropportunity to be paired, replicated and then passed on.

3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information inthe highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning inimportant ways or leave out essential information.

A Women usually believe that if a man cannot win them absolutely and accepttheir social value in this world, he may not possess capacity to provideprotection for both themselves and their descendants—a key factor to keep good genes tobe paired and copied.

B If a man cannot subdue women thoroughly and let them to admire hisability as a symbol to generate excellent genes, women may not believe that he is a realman who can hold and demonstrate his power continually, but intermittently.

C One of the most distinctive mechanisms is tended to let women to believethat a real man has ability to subdue them completely and then provide his own protection for their offspring as well as women themselves over hundredsof millions of years in human being generations.

D One basic fact is tended to be accepted by women that if a man cannot letthem to envy and worship for his preeminent characteristics, women would denyhis value in our society, which is a traditionally special system built inevery human being generation by which the qualified genes can take advantage to be survived and duplicated.


Women tend to believe the basic factthat这后面要出现一个同位语从句,而难点主要就在这里对吧。没关系,接下来我们继续抓主线。if a man cannot subdue themthoroughly and let them to admire his power and potential value of survival inthis world, he certainly may not hold and demonstrate his ability to provideprotection for his offspring and themselves in the future.这部分看似很长,其实只要你能抓住句子的逻辑脉络就OK。If部分条件状语说如果一个男人没有能力征服他的女神,(and)不能向自己的女神证明自己很牛X。大家注意这部分,中间有个and来链接两部分,这就说明这两部分是并列关系,其实你读懂一部分就足够,意思就是说如果一个男人不够牛X…。如果你能理解到这个程度上就足够。

If条件句的后面是主句部分,主句当然就是这个条件成立后的结果了。hecertainly may not hold and demonstrate his ability to provide protection for hisoffspring and themselves in the future.你看到了什么?没错还是and这个并列结构,所以句子直接简化理解成:he maynot demonstrate his ability to provide protection for (his offspring andthemselves) in thefuture.这就是说这个男人就没有能力在未来保护他的女神以及他们的后代。这个句子只要你能理解到这个层次就算完成了80%的任务了。因为后面那个which引导了个非限定性定语从句,其实就是从进化心理学的角度上来解释前面讲的这个生活中的现象到底在科学上是怎么回事。whichis a distinctive mechanism (successfully evolved over hundreds of millions ofyears in human being generations这部分是前面mechanism的后置定语,就是修饰描述是什么样的一种机制的)—in whichthose excellent genes can obtain prior opportunity to be paired, replicated andthen passed on. (这里又出现了 inwhich,这个讨厌的东西其实就是一个同位语而已,专家最后用一个同位语告诉你说:这种成千上百万年的古老机制就是为了上优秀的基因得到优先的配对和传承嘛。

言外之意就是说只有这样人类才能不断适应环境生存到今天啊。不过据我自己的考证,人类进化从非洲智人开始移居到世界各地群居散布至今也就几万年,到头十几万年,哪里会有成百上千万年呢?相关专家又开始拦不住嘴胡说了不是?)好啦,接下来我估计你已经看出谁是正确答案了,那就是D选项。D选项倒是挺长的哈,语言上怎么对应的呢?我们看看吧,envy和worship对应了原文中的admire;preeminentcharacteristics对应了原文中的power and potential value of survival in this world.而woulddeny his value in our society对应了原文中的he may not demonstrate his ability toprovide protection for (his offspring and themselves) in the future.原因很简单吧,如果你的女神否认了你的社会价值,那不就等同于她不认为你能够证明你有能力嘛。which is a traditionally specialsystem built in every human generation by which the qualified genes can takeadvantage to be survived andduplicated.定语从句中,传统意义上的特殊系统就等同于原文中说的古老机制,后面说合格的基因能够利用这种机制去生存和复制,就等同于原文中说的优秀基因的复制和传承,这是一个意思。




Paragraph 5: How does the S&R value(Survival and Reproduction) to bedefined in our society? In general, some distinctive features for human beingsuch as one’s glamor, wisdom, social status, health and personality are alwaysconsidered as a set of standards of judgment in which these traits can bedemonstrated to people by one’s visual display, behavior, social implication andso forth. However, certain implications in different sex are placed in differentdirections. For example, female could be likely to respond to male’s behaviorimplications, reasoning that they are more likely to consider to obtain men’ssurvival value that is so called S value for their own benefit, whereas malecould tend to relatively focus on visual effects presented by female, justbecause they hope that they can choose female who can offer high reproductivevalue which is called R value for their genes to be passed on both successfullyand eternally. According to such viewpoint presented above, we can safely draw aconclusion--- for a woman, one of the most drawbacks is that she has to spendmuch more time on evaluating and assessing a man’s S value by which she must beprior to collect and then analyze it through a man’s behavior naturallypresented in a extended period of time, while a man only needs to look a womanup and down in just few minutes, which he will know about her R value and candecide to whether a love relationship between them should begin immediately.Consequently, value comes about attraction between female and male’srelationship.

11. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 why it is more difficult for a boycourting to a girl than a girl attracting to a boy?

A Because a boy could easily feel attracted just by looking a girl’sappearance and

her body, whereas a girl has to evaluate and then judge a boy in a relativelong

period for whom she could fall in love with.

B Because women tend to be haughty and elegant than men.

C Because the gene replication system can be divided into two differentcategories

depended on different sex.

D Because value determines attraction between female and male’srelationship.



北京新东方学校托福阅读,词汇,听力教师.美国克莱姆森大学计算机科学硕士,北京联合大学计算机科学与技术学士。2009年开始以Saavedro的身份出道曾在数家培训机构教授过TOEFL,GRE北美留学等课程。2009-2010年于网络发布《Saavedro’sAuthentic Guide For TOEFL_iBTTEST》系列新托福备考资料。该套资料曾长期倍受新托福考生的关注,累计点击下载率逾破千万。2012年留学归国后在北京新东方学校任职托福教师。主要教授课程涉及:托福阅读,托福听力,托福词汇。任教期间曾先后向学生推崇。



2015/11/23 至 2015/12/18 













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