

2016-12-12 16:20



2015年12月19、20日的托福考试应该重点复习哪些题目? 新东方国外部的孟炎老师为大家带来12月19、20日托福独立口语预测题,本预测为小范围预测题,包括托福口语第一题25套,第二题23套。希望大家取得满意的托福成绩!更多关于12月19、20日托福预测机经请戳》》》托福机经:2015年12月19、20日托福考试预测

Task 1

1. Describe why organizing time is challenging to university students andwhy it is important.

Well, I would say there are lots of reason why organizing time ischallenging for university students, to begin with, the tuition keeps raisingfrom year to year, in order to relief the financial burden, lots of studentstake two even three part jobs off-campus like, to be bar-tenders, dining serversor delivery drivers. Apart from that, the coursework is pretty tough. They havemid-terms, research paper, and presentation to work on during the wholesemester. They are bombarded with both their part-time job and workload fromschool, so the most difficult thing is to find time to relax.

2. Some people think that robots will very helpful for us in the future,other think robots will never be as smart as human. Which do you agree with?

Admittedly, robots are used in lots of aspects in modern life, like robotshave replaced lots of manual labor in factories, and they can also be used toexecute hazardous tasks, however, I think they will never be as smart as humans.Scientist can write programs so that they can be very intelligent, they can wina chess game over a very intelligent person, but they will never tell whethersomeone is happy or depressed, and will not act accordingly. The robotsthemselves will not be able to display their emotions. Emotional quotientmatters a lot when we are judging whether someone is smart or not. Thus, robotswill be as smart as human.

3. Some believe that on line course should replace traditional classes.others don't think so. What do you think?

Well, personally I think that on-line course should replace traditionalclasses. To begin with, now basically everyone has access to internet, and whenwe have on-line class, we don't have to physically show up in the classroom andthat can save us the trouble of commuting from one place to another.Additionally, the teacher can teach an unlimited number of students at the sametime, thus it can reduce the cost of education dramatically. Lastly, it is alsovery effective to learn on line, not only one can hear the teachers' voice, butalso they can see their facial expression and body language. Basically, there isno big difference between learning in the traditional classroom and on line.

4. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressiveto you. Explain why it was important to you.

I would say my most memorable celebration is my 18th birthday party, mybest friend Alex helped me to organize the party. I can still recall that it wasa Mexican restaurant called Siesta, and the food there was really great, likethe taco, tortilla chips with some chili sauce and guacamole, and it was sofresh. Additionally, the place was decorated like a tropic jungle with lots ofexotic plantations, I felt like I was in a tropic forest when I was dinningthere. Most important of all, I felt like I am so lucky to have lots of friendscelebrating my birthday, and I am so grateful to them, actually, that occasionin this restaurant brought me and my friends closer.

Well, last week, a bunch of my colleagues and I went fishing in a statepark. We drove to the park around 6 o'clock in the afternoon. and then set upthe fishing pole and began to fish. it was very quiet and the air was veryfresh, the water was super crystal. it was very enjoyable. we were very luckythat today and scored lots of fish. and then we set up the grill and baked thefish on the grill. it was very delicious. Everybody there had a wonderfultime.

5. Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreigntourists to their tourist sites. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage ofattracting a large amount of foreign tourists to tourist sites. Give examples toillustrate your point.

Well, for me, the advantage of tourism is that it can benefit a regioneconomically, and it is a good alternative to some more destructive industries,and it produces less environment pollution compared with other heavy industries.It also creates jobs in many different areas. With booming tourism, there willbe lots of hotels, restaurants, car rental agencies, souvenir shops, sportsequipment rentals, and stuff. Tourism also helps people from places to know thelocal culture, and actually, it is a very good promotion of local culture.However, there are many strings attached to booming tourism. For example,travelers can bring infection and disease to a host destination, and sometourists might behave in a way that is offensive to locals, like walking througha local market in a bathing suit. Worse still, the host city will beovercrowded, and local people might feel really uncomfortable with so manytourists around.

6. Which of the following do you think the school should invest to improvestudent life?

1. technology 2.sports facilities 3.research

Well, I would say the school should improve sports facilities. For example,they should build an indoor swimming pool. Actually, it is very relaxing themoment you jump into the water, especially so in the summer. Swimming is a kindof aerobics, by doing this, one can release their pressure from study, and feelrefreshed after swimming. Additionally, with the new swimming pool, the schoolcan hold extramural swimming competition in swimming pool. It will surelyattract lots of students, and thus strengthen university's reputation, soaccordingly the university will have a larger enrollment, and generate morerevenue.

7. When you and your friend have disagreement, what would you do to solvethe disagreement. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Well, actually, people argue with each other about random and trivialstuff, like what food to eat, which move to watch, stuff like that. I usuallyuse my emotional intelligence to analyze the situation, understand the realcause of the disagreement, thus, and solve the conflict accordingly. Forexample, I once argued about which movie to watch, and I wanted to watch actionmovie, however, my friend preferred comedy. After that, I get angry and reallyannoyed, but later, I realized the real cause of my anger was not about whichmovie to watch, and the real cause is that I have lots assignment due next week,and I couldn't stand that pressure, so I apologized to my friend, and we arestill friends now.

8. Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country.Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Personally, I would say my country should put forward some favorablepolicies to attract talented and well-established professors. Actually, a verywell known professor once said, university is not about tall building, butprominent professors. So, I think government should invest more to attract topprofessors, and facilitate frequent exchanges of scholars with other famousprofessors and researchers around the world, and I am sure it will help toimprove Chinese scholars overall capability. Plus, professors should beencouraged and motivated to publish papers in world class journals that have animpact in their field.

9. Talk about two schools which you attended and their differences.

Well, the first school that I attended in the US is called XXXXX, it'slocated in a very small town with a population less than 20 thousand. Theprofessor seems to know everyone, because the class size is very small. soeveryone got a chance to discuss with the professor about academic problems. Thesecond university I went to is university of XXXX, this university is in decentsize with a big campus, there is about 30000 students and faculties altogether.I like the second one because it's a big athletic university and I am bigcollege sports fan. I follow Mizzou basketball and football very closely.

10. A friend of yours is going to study at another university and he'sworried that he won't be able to make any friends there. What suggestions wouldyou give him and why?

Personally, I would suggest him join all kinds of social activities, forexample, like volunteer activities, fundraising, and going on field triporganized by the school. Also, he should join clubs, like sports club, poemclub, debating club, and even martial art club. In this way, he can interactwith the club members. If he is lucky, he might come across someone who is fromthe same place of him or her. Additionally, he or she might find someone whohave the same hobby, you know, one has so much to talk about when meetingsomeone who have the same hobby.

11. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby help him spendhis weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details andexamples in your explanation.

Personally, I suggest him or her play group sports, cuz there are actuallylots of benefits, to begin with, one can stretch his or her body, and that isvery good to one's cardiovascular system, and it is a great way to relax andhave fun. By playing sports, one can develop the coordination of different partsof the body and be athletic. Additionally, one can socialize with their peersand make new friends. One can also learn the importance of cooperation andresponsibility when playing team sports, they can struggle together for a commongoal.

12. Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know anew school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on a campusplaying field or auditing the lectures?

Auditing class is the best way to know the university better, since facultymembers are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teachingskills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. Thevalues they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by theuniversity. Plus, when auditing class, one can tell if there are lots of classdiscussions or not, also, they get to know the size of the class. These areimportant factors when choosing a university since nobody wants to attend aschool, whose class size are too big.

13. Describe the book you like the most when you were a child.

I would like to talk about a novel called Forest Gump. Actually, ForestGump is a simple minded person, and he only got an IQ of 75, which is way belowaverage. Despite of the setback, he is actually a very optimistic person, as canbe shown in the catchphrase, My momma always said life was like a box ofchocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. The movie depicts a periodthat spans 30 years, and in these many years, Forest Gump achieved fame andfinancial success, of course, it is not possible for him to achieve that withouthis determination, willpower and perseverance.

14. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses hismorning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect hisgrade. What advice would you give him and why?

Personally, I would suggest him sleep early, actually he should go to bedbefore 10 o'clock, and then he can take a good rest, hence the next day he cango to the class refreshed. Additionally, I would say he should talk to theprofessor and ask him or her if it is possible for him to make up the absence inanother way, like doing an extra credit assignment and I bet if he is sincereenough, the professor will understand his tough situation and might say yes tohim, so eventually he can keep a higher GPA.

15. Some students like to choose university with a high reputation but noscholarship, others prefer to choose a university with scholarship but lessreputable. Which one do you like to choose?

Well, personally, I would prefer to study in a less well known universitywith a scholarship. To begin with, the university tuition can be reallyexpensive, and getting scholarship can help me to relieve my financial pressure.Consequently, I can concentrate on my study. Additionally, most of the time, oneneeds to be research assistant or teaching assistant upon receiving thescholarship. These teaching and research experience will be very helpful foryour future, like when you plan to apply for a graduate school and even futurejobs.

16. What are the benefits of talking to older family members?

Actually, by talking to older family members, there are lots of benefitsnot only to ourselves, but also to seniors. To begin with, senior have richerlife experience than young people, including good and bad ones. By learning fromtheir experience, we can avoid previous mistakes. Also, it teaches you to be ahumble and modest person so one can hunker down and be successful. Plus, seniorsget lonely easily, and by interacting with them, they will feel a sense ofbelonging to the family and that there are someone out there who care aboutthem.

17. Your school is going to help the community. Which of the followingwould you prefer? 1) clean litters and trash 2)plant trees and flowers 3)teachchildren knowledge about the environment.

Personally, I would like to teach children knowledge about environment. Tobegin with, it helps to cultivate kids' environment awareness at an early age,so when they grow up, they will definitely do something to protect theenvironment, and preserve natural resource, like they will turn off the faucetafter using the water and not waste any water, categorize the trash, not litteraround. Plus, it is the younger generations' responsibility to protect theenvironment, and make the world a better place for people to live in.Additionally, kids are very interesting to be around, and it is great fun tointeract with them, since they are very naive and adorable, therefore one canforget about their pressure in life and study.

18. What food should your school cafeteria to add to attract morepeople.

Currently, the cafeteria just offers junk food, like French fries, friedchickens, and hash brown, and stuff, and these kind of food are very greasy, itis bad for students' cardiovascular system. To attract more students, I wouldsuggest the cafeteria add some healthy food like vegetables, you know, likesalad, tomatoes, and broccoli. Also, students need to absorb enough nutrientneeded for the day to concentrate on the class, I would suggest cafeteria offersome sea food, like salmon, tuna, shrimp and stuff like that. They are high inprotein, low in carbs. These food are actually easy to cook, they can just steamthem, and offer the seafood with some limes or lemon juice.

19. Police officer, transportation worker, building designer, which do youthink is the most important to a city.

I would say police is the most important job to a city, though they do notreally get paid that much, what they do is very essential to the community. Theyprevent lawbreaking behaviors, like robbery, burglary, and even speeding, theyhunt down criminals and preserve the safety of the community. Plus, you can callpolice officers for help, like when you neighbor is very noisy and you feel likeyou are disturbed, they also help to address common complaints like that. Thatis basically why I think police is the most important out these threeprofessions.

20. Talk about one of your family member who has similar traits as you.Describe that trait.toefl听力新思维

I would say my dad has the same personality as me. I am very passionate andoptimistic person, and I like constantly taking challenges in my life and doingsomething that I have never experienced before, like studying abroad. I wouldsay my dad is also the kind of person who likes to take challenges. For example,he encouraged me to study abroad despite of the challenges that I might face,like language barriers and cultural shocks. When I was studying in America, hegave me lots of encouragement and motivation.

21. Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.

Personally, I would say I like to learn to play a piano. It is veryrelaxing to play the piano, actually, it can be a great way to release mydestructive emotions, like anger, sorrow and even rage. At the same time, I canmake friends with people who have the same interest, and talking to them can begreat fun. Additionally, there are not a lot of people who can play instrument,if I can learn a piano, I will be very popular among my friends, thus I willstand out. Lastly, it takes lots of practice to be a master in a kind ofinstrument. In this process, I can develop willpower, perseverance, andpersistence. These qualities will be valuable asset for me in the future.

22. If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the followingwould you like to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport or playing anmusical instrument.

I would definitely choose to play a new sport. I find it very relaxing whenI play sports, it helps me to release my tension and depression that I got fromboth my life and study. Apart from that, playing sports is a very good way tokeep healthy and try to be in good shape. It helps you to build up some musclesand be athletic, it is also good for your cardio vascular system. Lastly, I geta chance to meet new friends and broaden my social network when playing a sport,getting to know different people is a very thrilling experience for me.

23. Describe a family member who has a different personality from you andexplain why?

I would say my dad has a totally different personality from me. I am verypassionate and optimistic person, and I like constantly taking challenges in mylife and doing something that I have never experienced before, like studyingabroad. However, my dad is a quite conservative person, he would never dosomething that will make him stand out, and frankly, he is kind of pessimisticand sometimes cynical about the world, specifically, he would complain aboutnegative things in life instead of thinking on the bright side.

24. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free,which of the following class you will choose to take, give reason to explainyour choice. 1) A financial course to help you manage money 2) car maintenanceand repair 3)Review of Latin-American music

I would say I like to take a financial course, cuz, it is very importantfor someone to be financially independent and manage their money efficiently, bygoing to a financial course one can learn lots of stuff, like when it is theright time to invest in stocks, or to buy gold as a form of asset, or evenunderstand the overall economic condition of the country. A friend told me thathe recently signed up a on line lecture on how to make wise investment in stockmarket, and he followed the instructions, and it turned out that he made a verygood call by buying the stock from a company, which was recommended in theclass, and made a big killing in it.

25. Describe a news article or story that you are interested in recently.Explain why you think it is interesting. Include reasons and details in the yourresponse.

Well, I would like to talk about a social event that took place in Chinajust a few days ago. Actually, it was like a festival that young adultscelebrate. It was on November 11th, and it is called the Single's Day. On thisday, e-commerce companies offer lots of promotion and sales on line, and it wasso crazy on this day that basically everyone bought something, ranging fromshampoo, and body wash to daily appliances, like freezer and washing machines.The sales figure of Alibaba, the major player in e-commerce, exceeded 9 billionUS dollars thanks to the passion of the young singletons.

Task 2

1. Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do youthink it is a positive trend?

Well, yes definitely, personally I am a big internet fan, and I thinkon-line social networks is very good to socialize with friends and familymembers, and even get connected with professionals. My first reason is that itis instant and easy to use, social network like facebook, MSN, and professionalsocial network-Linkedin. With wifi access and a tablet or smart phone, I canconnect with people in no time. Additionally, before the invention of on-linesocial network, we have to call someone through the phone or visit them inperson and it is very costly in terms of both money and time, cuz we have tophysically be somewhere in order to talk to them face to face, with on-linesocial network, it also helps us to expand our social networking.

2. When things at home such as furniture are broken, do you prefer to havethem repaired in a shop or fix them by yourself?

Well, personally I prefer to get service in a shop. To begin with, most ofthe time, it is pretty tough to fix broken furniture, and fixing up a brokenfurniture can be really time consuming. Like, for me, I am a college student whois busy with all kinds of assignments, like papers, presentations, and groupprojects and stuff, scarcely do I have time to fix things, and frankly speakingsometime, it is impossible for one to fix something without the help ofprofessionals, like when your car breaks down, you don't even know what goeswrong and you don't have the tools, with which to fix that. So, based on thesereasons, I will seek professionals for help.

3. Between the following two places, where would you choose to live?

1. big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university

2. small and old place but near your workplace and/or university

Personally, I'd like to live in a bigger place that is far away from myworkplace. Actually, a bigger place far away from my workplace is more likely tobe in the suburb than otherwise, and I am the kind of person who like peace andtranquility. I want to get away from the noise and pollution, and I hate thehustle and bustle of the city. Working in the downtown areas all day along isboring, and I want to escape from these concrete jungle and live far away. Ilike the solitude, clear skies, and peaceful evenings in the suburbs or countryand it is pretty romantic.

4. Some people like to listen to audio books, others like to read paperbooks. Which do you prefer and why?

Well, personally, I prefer to read paper books. It is true that one canlisten to audio books practically everywhere. You can listen on the bus, or inbed before you fall asleep. However, I still prefer to read book myself since Ican get more involved when reading myself. What I am trying to say is that theperson who reads the audio book sometimes doesn't tell the story the way thatIlike. I mean I might not like the tone of their voice, and sometimes I findthat I zone out and miss important parts of the book.

5. Some people think that the best way to learn is to attend lectures.Others think that it is better to learn on their own. Which do you prefer andwhy?

Well, personally, I prefer to attend lectures. Actually, studying alone canbe boring and I am the kind of person who likes to interact with others whenlearning. By attending lectures, I get a chance to hear multiple points of view,although some points might not be as thought-provoking, I can learn a lot ofstuff beyond the textbooks anyway, and understand how an idea works in real lifewhen other students share their personal experiences. Additionally, theprofessor who holds the lecture can make difficult and abstract concepts andideas easy to understand, one might not be able to understand some materialswhen studying alone.

6. Is it better to attend a large school or small school?

Personally, I prefer to attend a small school. Actually, in a small school,everyone know everyone else, and it is very easy to connect with one another,plus one can readily get a strong sense of belonging. The teachers and fellowclassmates are more than a teacher or classmate since they are like families.Additionally, the class size of a small school is not big, and there be only 10or 20 students, thus, it is very convenient for teacher to organize groupdiscussions, and the teacher can give enough attention to every single student.However, in a big university, the professor might not know the name of thestudents, the learning efficiency is not as high as in small class.

7. Some people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to beinformed of such visits. Which one do you prefer?

Well, personally, I prefer to have scheduled visits from my friend. Tobegin with, surprise visits have its obvious drawback, and that is I might notbe available to offer my friend a warm reception simply because, as a collegestudent, sometimes, I am overwhelmed with all kinds of assignment, likepresentations, group projects and stuff. On the other hand, I can get fullyprepared for my friend if he or she gives me notice ahead of time. I likearrange the room and board, the city attraction we plan to hang out, and otheractivities, and thus I can guarantee that my friend will enjoy his or her stayat my place.

8. Some people prefer to buy high-tech products as soon as they areintroduced to the market other prefer to wait for some time to get them. Whichdo you prefer?

Well, personally, I would say I like to buy innovative high-tech productsafter the price goes down, and I have a few reasons for support. First andforemost, products with cutting edge and state of the art technology are usuallyvery expensive when they first come out, and as a college student I do not havelost money to waste on that, cuz I have to pay college tuition, textbooks andstuff like that. Additionally, we consume technological products for itsconvenience and they will be as valuable and convenient as they firstly show upin the market, so it is more advisable to buy that after a while.

9. Science club, hiking club, which one are you interested in?

Personally, I would like to choose to join the science lab. To begin with,I bet there will be field trip to research centers and science labs. By going tothe lab, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice.It is very helpful for me to understand some theories since most of the time thethings we learn in classrooms are very theoretical, and hard to understand.Also, by doing activities in the lab, I can be more creative and imaginative.Possibly, We can come up with lots of idea with regard of the theories, and makecontribution to the technological advancement, and then it might be applied inthe real world, thus benefits the entire human race.

10. Is it better to grow up in a large family or a small family? Explainwhy. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Personally, I prefer to live in a small family since you don't have to dealwith too complicated relationships with lots of family members. For example, ifthere are lots of members in the family, one has to go the birthday party ofevery single person in the family and that can be really tiring. Also, a bigfamily is very crowded and noisy. It is very inconvenient because one might haveto wait for their turn to use the bathroom. You know, it is much easier for asmaller family to agree on big decision. Plus, in a small family, it is veryquiet and peaceful, one does not have a lot of triviality to deal with, and italso provides the kids a quiet environment to study.

11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: protecting theenvironment is just as important as developing the economy?

Personally, I don't agree with that. Instead, I think protecting theenvironment is more important than develop the economy. Recently, there arerampant environment related diseases, like the lung problems caused by the hazeand fog in big cities, problems. Plus, the global warming, pollution, andextinction are running wild on earth too. Also, we have to think of the futureof our lives and the lives of the next generation. Actually, if the economyfalls, there is still a big chance for it to pick up. However, if we don'tprotect the environment, and cherish the mother earth, it will be goneforever.

12. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: employees should beprohibited to listen to music at work.

Well, personally, I think it's a very bad idea to prohibit music inworkplace. Actually, listening to music is a very good way for people to releasetheir negative emotions, like sadness, or sorrow, or even anger. Employees mightforget about the pressure in life and thus have a higher efficiency in theworkplace. Additionally, music keeps people refreshed and spurs creativity andinnovation. So, that is why it is a common practice for high-tech to allow theplay of music in their office, just so that they can create a relaxingenvironment and be more creative, and thus make more breakthroughs in theirfield.

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children shouldbe required to help with household tasks as long as they grow old enough to doso. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Personally, I definitely think that children should do household tasks assoon as they are old enough. Lots of important qualities can be developedthrough such activities as doing housework. Children will learn to beresponsible person, and that is a like cornerstone for them to become a betterperson. On top of that, children will get a sense of achievement when competingthe house chores, and their parents might even give them some reward like buythem toys or offer them some pocket money. Through such activities, childrenwill be very determined and motivated when they do bigger projects in theiradulthood and be successful.

14. School should require all students to have their own laptops. Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Personally, I think students should be required to own laptops. To beginwith, students might need to write papers, and they can find reference on theinternet easily, cuz they can just type the key words in the search engine, andthe next moment they know, the answer shows up on the screen, and they basicallycan find reference on every topic, like technology, history, and evenpsychology. Also, they need to use lots of software to finish some assignmentsand projects, so the use of computer is inevitable. For example, I am aneconomics major, and I need to use statistical software to analyze data,obviously, I cannot do that without the computer.

15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We learn morefrom failure than success. Use specific reasons and examples to support youranswer.

Personally, I couldn't agree more with this statement, indeed, the bestlesson one can learn is through failure. Actually, time and experience are thebest teacher, and growth can only be achieved when you fail and after somebarriers or setbacks in life, one has to analyze the real cause and avoid therisk of making the same mistake again. Albert Einstein once said, “Anyone whohas never failed has never tried anything new.” One can only be a better personand make better judgments by learning from every single experience that we havebeen exposed to, otherwise, we would be the same person as we wereyesterday.

16. Agree or disagree: Life is better now than the past. Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer.

Personally, I cannot agree more with that. To begin with, advancedtechnology has made lots of things unthinkable in the past possible, like now ittakes only less than one hour to travel over 300 miles by express train. In thepast, it might take you a whole day. Now, with the express train, we can savelots of valuable time. Plus, with increasing income, more people have access tonutritional food, like, salmon, tuna, shrimp and stuff like that. They are highin protein, low in carbs. Plus, the Food and Drug Administration follow closelyon the food safety issues, and it is very costly for relevant companies to havesome loopholes in their food production.

17. Do you like to buy new books or used books. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

I would say I prefer buying used books. As a college students, professorssometimes require students to buy textbooks, and most of the time, the textbookscan be really expensive, you might easily spend over $100 on a single books.That is a lot for a college kid. Additionally, most of the time used books arenot that crappy, you can use it, and take notes on it and highlight theimportant part, it has no impact on your study at all. So based on thesereasons, I find it more reasonable to buy used books at a cheaper price.

18. Agree or disagree: Zoos are useful than harmful to animals.

Personally, I couldn't agree more that zoos help to protect animals ratherthan harm them. To begin with, some animals that might live in really harshenvironment, like the Arctic region, Sahara deserts, and even in extremely dryareas. However, the zoo can be a very good place to shelter such animals, andthey can live in a clean and comfortable environment with abundant food to feedthemselves. Additionally, by keeping animals in the zoos, citizens, especiallythe younger generation will get a chance to closely observe them, thus they willknow the animals better, hopefully, this can raise their awareness to protectendangered species.

19. Do you prefer to live alone or live with others.

Personally, I prefer to live alone. Actually, I am very private person,most of the time, I keep things to myself. I would get distracted if I chose tolive with others who I might not familiar with. Actually, I am highly efficientwhen I do things without the disturbance of others, like when I study I feelmore comfortable when nobody is around me. Plus, someone you are living withmight have totally different habits and schedule when it comes to when to studyor sleep or even watch TV. It would be really disruptive when one wants to studywhile the other prefers to watch TV.

20. Some people think that it's more important to spend time with families,others think they should focus on work and study. Which do you prefer?

Personally, I think families are more important than work and study. Tobegin with, the people who really care about you most are your family members,your parents, sisters, and brothers, and the family members are the first grouppeople you deal with; and when you are depressed or suffering from setbacks inlife, it is your family who supports you. Lots of times, it is the encouragementand love from one's family that makes someone stronger in life. The people whoare not be able to be their parents when they got sick or are dying only regretthat they should have spent more time with them, instead of closing businessdeals and stuff.

21. Some people like to spend their vacation in countryside. Others likevacationing in the cities. Which do you prefer and explain why.

Personally, I would choose to go on a vacation in the country. The onlyreason for me to go on a vacation is to get away from the busy streets andconcrete jungles n the city, and get a chance to be close to mother nature. Bytraveling in the country, I might find a nice spot to go camping and appreciatethe beautiful starry sky at night, and enjoy the tranquility, I don't have thechance to enjoy that kind of moment when living in the city. Also, traveling inthe country makes it easier for me to do some hiking, like walking on the trail,and do some fishing and BBQ.

22. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students shouldalways study in quiet places.

Personally, I think students should always study in quiet places. To beginwith, students are likely to concentrate more when studying in quiet places,like in the library or classroom, I can fully focus on my work and nothing candistract me. There are just too much distraction to study in a noisyenvironment. Plus, when studying in quiet places, like the library, I feel likepeople around me are also studying, and that is a motivation for me toconcentrate on my own work.

23. Imagine that you have to give up watching TV for one month, would thisbe difficult for you? Explain why.

Well, personally, I would say it will not be difficult for me to do that.Cuz, honestly, I am not a fun of watching TV, since most of the time, I ampretty busy with my school assignment, like presentations, group projects andresearch papers, and stuff. Plus, even if I really need some information ofcurrent events, like sports, technology, and politics, I can always use my smartphone and with a touch on the screen, the whole world is basically in front ofme.











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