2017-01-17 11:18
1. Talk about one way you relax yourself.
2. Among the following types of books, which do you dislike the most? Romantic books, science fiction, or biography.
3. Which of the following volunteer work would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning city park.
4. Describe one of the difficulties in which you received help from your family, friends or classmates and,please give specific details to describe how their suggestion helped you.
5. Which of the following do you think is an important characteristic of a good university: 1) size; 2) cost; 3) location.
6. which of the following has the greatest impact on students' life, 1) electronic books 2) smart phones 3) online courses.
7. Talk about a study habit of yours that's different from others. Explain your answer in details.
8. Which of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment? Friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?
9. Describe a change that happened in your country, and how it has affected people's life. Explain your answer in details.
10. Which of the following transportation methods do you think is the most enjoyable? Bicycle, automobile or train. Explain your answer in details.
11. Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in public.
12. Talk about a special event that you recently participated in. Describe it in details.
13. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of paying video games.
14. Which of the following qualities do you admire the most (or would be most interested in getting?) Art skills, language skills or sport skills? Use details and explanations in your response.
15. Describe an important subject that you do not like.
16. Which do you think is the best way for students to know about Italian culture? 1) cooking class; 2) movie class; 3) history class
17. Which one do you think is the most effective way to learn? Taking notes, discussing with classmates, repeating and reciting.
18. Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details?
19. Which of the following three classes do you like the most. 1) world economics; 2) environmental science; 3) art history
20. Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficulties for the university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax, making new friends.
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
2. Do you think that eating healthy food is easier or more difficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago? Use examples and details to support your answer.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
4. Some people do not enjoy shopping and shop only when they have a specific purchase to make. Others like to go shopping for pleasure whether or not they have something to buy. Which do you prefer and why?
5. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details..
6. When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents, others prefer to go to their friends. Which do you prefer? Explain why?
7. When studying aboard, some students prefer to live by themselves or with their friends, others prefer to live with a local family. Which do you think is better?
8. Do you think the government should spend money on saving endangered animals or should private sector take such responsibility?
9. Some people prefer to get high paying jobs and move to a new city. Others prefer jobs with average pay but closer to their homes. Which do you think is better?
10. When learning to use a new product, some people prefer to read the instruction manual. Others prefer to figure out how to use the product on their own. Which do you prefer and why? Give details and examples to support your response.
11. Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?
12. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that watching sports program on TV is not a good use of time.托福词汇量
13. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it's easier to teach primary school students than to teach university students.
14. Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to record things they've experienced. Others don't.Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
15. Do you prefer to sit in the front of a class or at the back of the classroom?
16. Some students prefer to study nine or ten months a year, others choose to be in school the whole year. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
17. Would do you prefer: to watch a film at the cinema or at home ?
18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people will read less in the future? Give examples and details in your answer.
19. Some people prefer to collect old things, others prefer to throw things away after they're done with them. Which do you prefer to do?
20. Do you agree or disagree that to be successful, a person should study in the university?
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