

2018-03-21 10:46





为帮助大家考前适应考试紧张的节奏,新东方网托福频道在此与大家分享2018年3月24日托福口语考试独立题练习题目。以下内容仅供参考,希望对大家进行托福最后的考前冲刺有所帮助。更多题目 点击查看2018年3月24日预测汇总


Task 1: Your friend is coming to take a visit to your country. Which transportation would you like to recommend to him? Include explanations in your response. (话题同机经预测Task 1第7题,了解城市或国家文化的方式)

Task 2: Your city is about to build a new factory so as to provide more job opportunities for citizens; however, the factory might lead to environmental pollution to some extent. Do you agree or disagree to build such a new factory? (话题命中,机经预测Task 2第2题,环保与经济发展)托福听力题型


Task 1: What do you think about smartphones to students? Here are three benefits of smartphones to students,which do you think is good to students?

Taking photos

Listening to music

Recording courses

(话题命中,机经预测Task 1第6题,手机对学生的影响)

Task 2: Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think? (人际关系话题,参考机经预测Task 1第1题)


1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food?

2.Describe a change in your school that was initially considered by students as having negative effects on their life but later proved to be positive?

3.Please describe one characteristic of a house or apartment that you think will make it a good place to live.

4.Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least. Explain why you don't like it.

5.Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read?



Arts and films

6.What do you think is the biggest challenge for a student when they study and how to solve that challenge?

7.Among the following types of books, which do you dislike the most? Romantic books, science fiction, or biography.

8.Which one of the following do you think the university should reward? Volunteer service, athletic achievement or academic performance?

9.If your parents have some extra money, how would you like them to spend it?

10.Some universities do not allow students to watch TV in the dormitories. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of students having TV in their dorms.

11.Talk about a volunteer work you enjoy doing. Explain why you enjoy it in details.

12.What are the advantages of moving to a new place to study and work?

13.Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain why this decision was important for you in details.

14.There are several ways you can get to know a country without travelling abroad. Which of the following ways would you like to choose?

Reading books

Watching videos

Joining online communication groups

Choose one and explain why.

15.Talk about what you like to do during spare time. Give examples and details in your explanation.

16.Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children's development?

Art craft workshop

Technology workshop

Athletic programs

17.What can we do to solve air pollution problems?

18.Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a behavior you find inconsiderate. Explain why.

19. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following classes will you choose to take?

financial course to help you manage money;

car maintenance and repair;

review of Latin-American music.

20. If you are the group leader of a photography club, which of the following three activities would you choose for your club members?

Taking them to a photography exhibition

Reading an essay about photography

Going on a field trip to take photos


1.Some people speak out in class. Others prefer to listen and quietly observe. Which do you think leads to greater success in school? Why?

2.When students have questions about an assignment for class, some prefer to ask the professor for help. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why?

3.Do you think the boss should supervise his employee when they are working, or give his employee more freedom in work?

4.If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friends' party on the weekend?

5.Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why.

6.Which do you prefer: an interesting class but very strict with scoring or a boring class that gives you high scores?

7.Would you prefer a job that has a lot of business trips or one that you can stay in one place?

8.Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

9.Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree? Why?

10.If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in a private place?

11.Some people like to befriend people who share the same opinion. Others like to befriend someone who holds different ideas. Which do you prefer?

12.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should work for a year before entering university?

13.Do you agree or disagree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs?

14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussions makes students learn more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

15.Which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others?

16.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, the most important element of a successful school is experienced teachers?

17.Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities, and others prefer to spend their vacation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

18.Which one do you prefer, taking part in a lot of activities and arranging a full schedule, or having lots of free time in your schedule?

19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's getting harder and harder to save money than before.

20.Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?








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