2020-04-07 10:13
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
In order to success in study or job, the ability to adjust or adapt to changing condition or circumstance is more important than having knowledge.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
For success in work or school, it is more important to be able to adapt to new circumstances than to have specific knowledge.
While knowledge is of course needed to get a job done, a person who can adapt well can find the information needed to succeed. A person does not need to know everything as long as he knows how to find answers. This point is made clear through a simple situation: a person needs to make a telephone call. The person can remember the telephone number and make the call. However, a person without that knowledge can still make the call if he is flexible enough to search for the phone number from a friend, a phone book, the internet, or other resource. It is clear that ability to learn is more effective than knowing the answer when an unfamiliar phone number is needed.
A person who can adapt can also bring new innovations to a workplace. Instead of just following the same pattern that everyone else uses, the adaptable personcan see better ways to complete tasks. For example, he could streamline processes or simplify procedures so that time and money is saved. The person is a much more valuable asset to the company than a person who sticks to routine. The adaptable person is therefore more likely to be promoted or given pay raisesbecause of his productivity.
Finally, an adaptable person can better handle crises or unexpected situations. Even if he does not have specific answers, he can react quickly and capably in an emergency. A dramatic example is when a fire breaks out in the building. A person who does not adapt well may panic or freeze. Alternately, he may stubbornly try to complete a task such as shutting down his computer before fleeing the building. By contrast, the adaptable person does not need to know procedures to use unfamiliar fire extinguishing equipment, seek safety, or help others find their way out of the building. This ability to deal with problems helps in ordinary situations such as organizational restructuring or transfers, too.
The ability to adapt helps a person succeed in many aspects of work and regular life. The person can solve problems, create more productive systems, and react effectively in new situations. Therefore, the ability to adapt is more important than having specific knowledge.
knowledge is of course needed to get a job done 完成工作当然需要知识
the adaptable person 适应性强的人
streamline processes 精简流程
simplify procedures 简化程序
stick to routine 坚持常规
pay raises 涨薪
react quickly and capably in an emergency 在紧急情况下反应迅速和敏捷
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