2015-08-20 15:24
课文详注 Further notes on the text
1. I've never been there. 我从未去过。
2. Have you ever been there, Ken? 肯,你去过吗?
语法 Grammar in use
have been 与 have gone
have been to a place表示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那个地方了;have gone to aplace表示已经去某地了,现在在那个地方或正在去的路上。如:
George has been to Paris. 乔治去过巴黎。(他现在不在巴黎。)
George has gone to Paris. 乔治去巴黎了。(他在巴黎或去巴黎的路上。)
Have you ever been to America? 你去过美国吗?(对方不在美国境内。)
Has he gone to Washington D.C.? 他去华盛顿了吗?(被提到的人有可能现在美国境内或在赴美途中。)
词汇学习 Word study
beautiful adj.
She was even more beautiful than I had expected. 她甚至比我预期的还要美。
She's a girl with a beautiful voice. 她是一位嗓音美妙动听的姑娘。
Her French is as beautiful as her English. 她的发文说得和英文一样漂亮。
He did a beautiful job of painting the desk. 他油漆了书桌,活干得很漂亮。
Beautiful weather, isn't it? 天气晴朗宜人,对吗?
练习答案 Key to written exercises
Lesson 86
1 She has just boiled an egg.新概念英语第二册视频
3 She has never been to China, but he was there in 1992.
4 He has already painted that bookcase.
7 He has just dusted the cupboard.
1 I've already cleaned my shoes.
I cleaned my shoes last night.
2 I've already opened the window.
I opened the window an hour ago.
3 I've already sharpened my pencil.
I sharpened my pencil a minute ago.
4 I've already turned on the television.
I turned on the television ten minutes ago.
5 I've already boiled the milk.
I boiled the milk yesterday morning.
6 I've already emptied the basket.
I emptied the basket yesterday.
7 I've already asked a question.
I asked a question two minutes ago.
8 I've already typed that letter.
I typed that letter this morning.
9 I've already washed my hands.
I washed my hands five minutes ago.
10 I've already walked across the park.
I walked across the park an hour ago.
11 I've already painted that bookcase.
I painted that bookcase a year ago.
12 I've already dusted the cupboard.
I dusted the cupboard this afternoon.
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