新概念全新全绎:Lessons 109-110_新概念法师
2015-09-15 09:24
Listen and enjoy
You look tired , what's wrong with you ?
Today , I worked longer than usual .
Why was that ?
My boss asked me to do extra work .
Oh, nothing is worse than this . Have you finishedyet ?
Not yet , we'll go on tomorrow .
What a poor guy , have a good rest and you'll be all right .
I hope so , thank you very much , see you .
See you , have a nice dream .
Listen and complete
1.I haven't seen Lily for at least 5 months , she is in Italy now .
2.Do you have any shoes like this ?
3.There are some sheep in the field , are there ?
4.She never comes to work early , does she ?
5.Could you tell us the way there ?
6.I can't afford to buy that , it is too expensive for me .
7.The wall is too high for the children to climb .
8.Hi , be careful , you better not drop the lovely vase .
9.We don't like the expensive German bicycle .
10.He is much more handsome than anyone else in the team .
Listen and write , please write down the following room numbers .
room 1616 ,room301,room1718
1.Do you have the shirt in small size ?新概念法师
2.What's the price of the T-shirt ?
3.We are looking for a pair of sports shoes ?
4.We have the best , adidas is always famous .
5.They are on the shelf , right behind you
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