新概念全新全绎:Lessons 061-062_新概念法师
2015-09-16 09:26
Lessons 61-62
Listen and Enjoy
1.booboo . I'm sorry. I made a booboo.
2.break a leg . Where are you going? I'm going tothe competition. Break a leg.
3.breaks. Jony,sorry,that's the breaks.
4.breathes. A piece of cake,that's breathes.
5.Bring home the bacon.
Listen and Complete
1.Would you like to be a doctor?
No,I'm not interested the job.I want to be a painter.
2.Are there any children in the library?
Yes,there are four boys and six girls.They are sitting near the window.
3.Excuse me,Could you tell me where the supermarket is?
Sorry,I'm new here,you can ask the policeman for help.
4.Does the film start at eight o'ciock?
No,it starts thirty minutes earlier.
5. Do you listen to music at night?
No,I only listen to music in the evening.新概念法师
6.Honey,I want to tell you something about my class.
7.What a smart dress you have!
8.What's Lisa talking to Jony?
9.Here is your temperature,so you must take some medicine now.
10.Dan has a bad cold, so he must stay in bed for a week.
Listen and Write
1.When will you see the doctor?
2.Sum has two fakes, so he must see a dentist.
3.You mustn't come to Silly's room because she has mizzoles.
4.You must wash your hands before you eat.
5.What's the matter with Jony?
6.Does he have a terrible headache?
7. No,he doesn't ,but he has a bad stomache.
8.When I take the aspro,I think we'll work soon.
9.Excuse me,can I open the window and air the bedroom?
10.Dust your room everyday and keep it clean.
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