新概念全新全绎:Lessons 077-078_新概念英语1
2015-09-16 09:30
Lessons 77-78
Listen and enjoy
making appointment
Excuse me , do you think the daters can see me now?
Sorry , I am afraid he has a full day today .
Oh, that's too bad , how about tomorrow morning ?
Let me take a look at his appointment book, ok ?
What time shall I come ?
Ten oclock .
Must I call again to confirm ?
No, you needn't .
Thank you very much .
That's all right .
Listen and complete
1.My mother will never go to the noisy bar with me .
2.I have to stay at school to do all the exercises .
3.I watched the movie on tv , but I didn't get any fun .
4.If they talk to me , then find something I can't do , they will help me .
5.What I want to do is that I have something to drink .
6.How can I make you understand me ?
7.Rufe doesn't have any time at all .
8.Could you stop smoking ?
9.We don't ask her for any advise .
10.Please tell me how I can do it by myself .
Listen and answer .
1.It's 9:30 now , Lisa arrive at the baker's 15 minutes ago .
2.It's Friday today ,John pay to the room three days ago .
3.Mary lost the book two days ago , it's Saturday today .
4.It's 2006,Mr John bought a car two years ago .
5.It's Faburary 12 today ,Sue and Sofia saw each other ten days ago .
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