新概念全新全绎:Lessons 103-104_新概念英语听力下载
2015-09-16 09:30
Lesson 103&104
W:Oh ,what a beautiful morning,can we go out for awalk now?
M:Do you really want that new job?
W:Sure,I do ,any ideas?
M;You'd better prepare for the interview careful.新概念英语听力下载
W:Ok,I'll try my best.
M; Have some coffee and breakfast,and then get towork.
W:Thank you very much.
M:Oh ,no,you can't throw the bread into the trash.
W:Why not,it is too stale to eat.
M: Ok,but don't throw it away,must put outside for the birds
listen and complete
1 Jelly wants to go to bed ,because the TV's play is boring.
2 What did mike do with sofa in this morning?
3 Sue forgot the key when she came back to the office .
4 Didy's uncle received the letter last week.
5 we found there were 20 people palying football.
6Don't talk to her cousin about it , said lisa to us.
7is it moving funning enough for us to watch?
8 Would you answer the question that Alan asked last night?
9 sorry,you can't come in now,there is not enough room for you all,the rooms is full.
10Belly bought some apples which costed her 2 dollars.
listen and write
Write down the following numbers.
2053 7612 4560 1617 3986
9001 2351 3333 7733 5458
1Do you have any flings to London on 2 october?
2 Tony decided to go travel by see the week after next week.
3 What would you like for dinner ,beef or fish?
4 I don't have anything to do,will there be a movie in ten minutes?
5 You look lost,can i help you find the way.
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