新概念全新全绎:Lessons 113-114_新概念二册
2015-09-22 09:26
Listen and enjoy
What's up ? Long time no see , what's up ?
Things way back .They of no each other things wayback .
Small potato,I can't make the decision , because Iam only a small potato.
Shake a leg . Shake a leg now ,or you will be late forschool .
Set someone back .The party set him back two hundred dollars .
Litsen and complete
1.All the players have gone to Spain .
2.None of the tourist speak chinese .
3.Neither of the two sisters is going to the party
4.There is not any beer in the bottle .
5.Do yo have any funny stories ?
6.The coat doesn't fit me , please show me another .
7.He has got two shirts , one is white , the other is yellow .
8.We don't like the color at all , please show us that one on the shelf .
9.Do yo have something to eat ?
10.Dan has got two books and neither of them is in German .
Listen and write ,please write down the following words .
madam passenger conductor ticket fair deposite pound dollar either neither
1.I'd like you to me a friend of mine .
2.Don't I know you from somewhere ?
3.I am not sure .新概念二册
4.How do you like the gardon over there ?
5.Could you show me room 517 ?
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