新概念英语第二册精讲:Lesson 83 After the elections_新概念英语官网
2015-11-05 09:14
Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?
The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recentelections. He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. Myfriend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's RadicalProgressive Party. After the elections, Patrick went to the former PrimeMinister's house. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on dutytold him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On thefollowing day, Patrick went to the house again. The same policeman was justwalking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same question. Though alittle suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. The dayafter, Patrick went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question.This time, the policeman lost his temper. 'I told you yesterday and the daybefore yesterday,' he shouted, 'Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections. He hasretired from political life and gone to live abroad!"
'I know,' answered Patrick, 'but I love to hear you say it!'
New words and expressions 生词与短语
election n. 选举
former adj. 从前的
defeat v. 打败新概念英语官网
fanatical adj. 狂热的
opponent n. 反对者,对手
radical adj. 激进的
progressive adj. 进步的
ex- prefix (前缀,用于名词前)前......
suspicious adj. 怀疑的
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