
新概念英语第二册精讲:Lesson 77 A successful operation_新概念作文

2015-11-05 09:14



Did the doctors find out how the woman died?

The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had anoperation. The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple ofThebes. As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy,doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease.The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for overfour hours, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin which coveredthe skin. The doctors removed a section of the mummy and sent it to alaboratory. They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show: asmall wax figure of the god Duamutef. This god which has the head of a cow wasnormally placed inside a mummy. The doctors have not yet decided how the womandied. They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, butfortunately this has not happened. The mummy successfully survived theoperation.

New words and expressions 生词与短语

mummy n. 木乃伊

Egyptian adj. 埃及的

temple n. 庙

mark n. 斑点新概念作文

plate n. (照相)底片

disease n. 疾病

last v. 持续

prove v. 显示出

resin n. 树脂

skin n. 皮肤

section n. 切片

figure n. (人的)体形;人像

normally adv. 通常地

survive v. 幸免于








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