2016-03-08 11:56
【课文例句1】:Our vicar is always raising money for one cause oranother, but hehas never managed to get enough money to have the church clockrepaired.新概念3听力下载
【例句精析】: forone cause or another
【例句拓展】:该句型的核心信息就是“one....or another”,翻译为“这样或那样的.....” 或“某种.....”。
at one place or another =somewhere 某个地方
at one time or another =sometime 某个时候
In one way or another 用某种方法
【课文例句2】:Thereis nothing I can do about it.
【例句精析】: “There be句型”的精彩使用
可能“Therebe句型”对大多数英语学习者来说并不属于语言难点,它一般表示“东西或事情的存在性”。然而通过上述例句的欣赏,我们不难感受到:“Therebe句型”还有很多用途,有时能够体现老外表达的娓娓道来与慢条斯理。再比如新概念三册14课中的“There wasa timewhen”这一结构好比我们平时说的“once”一词; 新概念三册27课中的“There aretimeswhen”这一结构好比我们平时说的“sometimes”一词,我们还可以进行联想拓展:
There are several/many times when 不止一次/有好多次
There are those times when 有那么些时候
There are occasions when 在某些情况下
There are seconds when 很多瞬间
There were days/times when 曾经有些时候
There is a place where 在某个地方
There are many reasons why 存在着很多原因
There are many people who 很多人都……
我们还可以联想“表示时间”的短语:The time is nearwhen……不久之后
【例句拓展】:1) 有些时候我会感觉到自己被忽略了。
There are times when I feeloverlooked.
2) 有时她得了病,一连数月甚至几年卧床不起;有时她工作起来日以继夜,像机器似的不知疲倦。
There are times whenshe was ill and confined to bed for months even foryears. There are times when she worked day and night, like a tirelessmachine
3) 有好多次我真怀疑他的身份。
There are many times whenI am suspicious of his identity.
Thereis nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in thespace
travel program.会比Nothing can be more exciting than being allowed to
take part in the space travel program更贴合老外的表达方式,在书面语中
乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机 At first sight, there is nothing special aboutthe watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.
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