新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson44(1)_新概念英语mp3
2016-04-18 10:40
Notes on the text
1 take your mind off the journey, 摆脱旅途的困扰。take one's mind off sth. 是“把某人的注意力从某事上移开”的意思。
2 in snatches, 断断续续地。
3 more often than not, 经常。
4 But nothing can match them for speed andcomfort.
5 keep you occupied, 使你有事可做。
Multiple choice questions多项选择题
Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Unit 3 Lesson 44
Comprehension 理解
1 The great disadvantage shared by train and car travel alike is ______ .
a.the fact that one cannot get to sleep on either form of transport
b.the fact that one cannot concentrate on what one is reading
c.the monotony of travelling at fast speeds along railway lines or roads
d.the tedium and discomfort of the journey
2 An aeroplane journey invariably provides such distractions as ______ .新概念英语mp3
a.the thought that one has not long to wait before arriving
b.the exhilarating quality of the air one breathes at 30,000 feet
c.being able to watch a film or drink champagne
d.the marvellous views of land or clouds you can see from the plane
3 Having arrived at your destination by air, you will ______ .
a.not feel exhausted as you will have had plenty of sleep
b.feel the expense was worth the comfort and speed of the 500-mile flight
c.have the satisfaction of knowing you could not have got there any faster
d.at least feel fresh though your clothes might be a mess
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