2016-08-23 14:00
1. Advances in medicine have resulted in ________.
A. a longer living expectancy B. an increase in life expectancy
C. an increase in living D. more years for everyone
2. The fire department had to be summoned after the bush fire on the corner lot got out of ________.
A. turn B. the question C. hand D. sight
3. I am ________ your temper.
A. fed up by B. fed up with C. fed up because of D. fed up to
4. This kind of work is ________ me.新概念二册
A. unfamiliar with B. unfamiliar by
C. unfamiliar to D. not familiar of
5. Jean ________ a cold when she was in Los Angeles.
A. came by B. came down with C. came into D. came off with
6. All the evidence I have collected ________ to the fact that he is a shop lifter.
A. boils up B. boils on C. boils off D. boils down
7. — Do you like those kinds of cigarette.
— ________ cigarette agrees with me.
A. Hardly no B. Nearly no C. Rarely no D. Almost none
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