新概念英语第三册-Lesson 37(词汇7)_新概念3课文
2016-11-18 10:35
abolish 废除 The law was abolished.
rescind 撤销,废止(比abolish正式) rescind an agreement, order, act, etc.
write off 注销,勾销 write off a debt 注销一笔债款
cross out/off 划掉 We can cross his name off, as he is not coming.
■consult v. 请教,查阅( to go to (a book, etc.) for information )新概念3课文
词形联想: console 安慰
Eg: The doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good. (NCE3 lesson 29)
■direct adv. 直接地,一直(without interrupting a journey; using a straight route)
Eg: The train goes there direct.
direct: 从一个地方直接到另一个地方,从工厂直接供给等,表示实际距离。
directly: 不用于实际距离,着重对其他事物的直接性。She is directly responsible to the minister.
v. 指点,指引(tell or show sb how to get somewhere)
Eg: Can you direct me to the station?
v. 管理,指导(manage; turn or aim sth in a particular direction)
Eg: She directed the planning of the festival.
■reflect v. 细想(to consider carefully)
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