新概念英语第三册-Lesson 36(课文8)_新概念英语第四册
2016-11-18 10:40
1 What would a modern reader find totally unacceptable in a novel today?
a) Having for a hero a man once presumed dead.
b) The happiness a hero might feel on being re-united with his mother.
c) Any character being so wicked as to plot against the hero.
d) Two brothers, each presuming the other long since dead, meeting again by chance.
2 When Mrs Bussman suggested that the workman might be Franz's brother
a) she was told for the first time that Hans had been killed.
b) Franz objected to the idea of being associated with a workman.
c) Franz was so sure his brother was dead he did not take her seriously.
d) they were both too shy to ask the workman if this was so themselves.
3 What did Hans Bussman do immediately after the war was over?
a) He went to hospital to to have his wounds attended to.
b) He deserted his unit and wlded back to his home town.
c) He inquired after his family's whereabouts but found no trace of them.
d) He settled in a village near his home, hoping his family would find him.
1 他不大可能说不,但不是不可能.
2 电脑给我们的生活带来很大变化.
3 最后,是喝酒毁了他.
4 全体员工都熟悉这个促销活动的细节.
1 It's improbable that he will say no, but not improssible.
2 Computers bring about many changes in our lives.
3 In the end, it was drinking that was his downfall.
4 All staffs are acquainted with all the deatils of the promotion.
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