新概念英语第三册 Lesson 28(词汇8)_新概念英语教材下载
2016-12-12 16:17
11. thrust v.硬塞给
thrust sth into… 塞进…
-- He thrust the pen into my hand.
thrust aside 推开
-- He thrust the girl aside.
thrust oneself forward新概念英语教材下载
-- He thrust himself forward in the crowd.
thrust oneself in 强行闯入, 干涉, 探听(= thrust one's nose into)
-- Don’t thrust yourself in private sth.
thrust sth. on/upon sb. 强卖给某人
-- Don’t thrust your idea on me. = Don’t exert your idea on me.
thrust out 推出, 逐出, 解
Fill in the blank with the words or phrases given.
in despair get rid of lengths bound up with favour
1.He went to great ___ to prevent his son from going abroad.
2.I’ve tried all sorts of medicines to ____ this cold.
3.As a special _____ ,I ‘ll let you stay up late tonight.
4.When he heard the news, he went out ______.
5.The future is closely _____ that of the companay.
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