新概念英语第三册 Lesson 23(词汇7)_新概念
2016-12-19 09:55
1.At that moment we had no time to think, and we just acted on _____.
a. response b. impulse c. rashness
2. The idea of having snails to eat didn’t ______ to me at all.
a. appeal b. fascinate c. attract新概念
3. People become quite _____ when they are deciding what to eat or what not to eat.
a. sensible b. illogical c.insensitive
4. We usually take a _______ in the garden after supper.
a. wonder b. stroll c. wandering
5. We all listened with ______ to the news of the disaster.
a. pleasure b. annoyance c. dismay
6. I accepted the invitation ______ because I didn’t really fancy the idea of going to the party.
a. reluctantly b. helplessly c. happily
7. Snakes are seen as a delicacy in the south, but they are normally _____ by people living in the north.
a. favoured b. disgusting c. despised
8. I have never tried fried snake because my stomach turns ______ the very idea of a snake being cooked.
a. towards b. at c. against
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