新概念英语第三册 Lesson 21(词汇4)_新概念2composition
2016-12-19 09:55
1. Many young Americans believed at that time that the war had been fought ___ some noble cause.
a. for b. to c. owing to
2. Can you tell me where I can change these pounds _____ dollars ?
a. for b. to c. into
3. _______ his day ,Mendoza was so popular that he was adored by rich and poor alike.
a. In b. During c. At
4. Today ,thousands of people bet _______ horse races.
a. for c. to c. on
5. He was so ______ that within a few years he spent all the money that his father had left him.
a. thrifty b. extravagant c. wasted
6. Boxing used to be a ________ game which wasn’t bound by any rules.
a. fury b. impolite c. crued
7. He suffered a lot when he was young, but he enjoyed a(n) _______ position when he was old.
a. steady b. eminent c. well-known
8. The movie star was _______ by countless girls and boys.
a. laughed b. adored c. disregarded
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