新概念英语第三册 Lesson 20(词汇4)_新概念mp3
2016-12-23 11:16
Step4 讲解看再多还不如自己动手一练。
1 During his flight he ______ a distance of twenty-six miles.
a. got b. covered c. ranged
2 All _____ flights are potentially dangerous.
a. test b. model c. example
3 It took him two hours to ______ his journey.
a. realize b. complete c. come
4 It seemed _______ he would never appear.
a. as if b. thought c. to be
5 He had travelled _____ seven miles when… (ll.5-6)
a. farther than b. no longer than c. no further than d. a space of
6 The ‘Antoinette’ _____ until Latham was picked up… (l.7)
a. held water b. was watertight c. stayed at sea d. rode the waves新概念mp3
7 His _____ flight lasted thirty-seven minutes.
a. immense b. long c. grand d. remarkable
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