新概念英语第三册 Lesson 18(词汇7)_新概念学习
2016-12-23 11:18
Step4 讲解看再多还不如自己动手一练。
1. With electric ______ running through the oddly-shaped sculpture, it moved forward like a horrible monster.
a. flow b. currents c. floods
2. A lot of people still can’t ______ some of the so-called “modern” pieces of art.
a. used to b. get used to c. admit
3. You can _______ a needle by rubbing it with a magnet.
a. magic b. magnetic c. magnetise
4. Many visitors are attracted by a curiously-shaped bottle ______ in my uncle’s study.
a. on display b. showing c. exhibiting
5. The positive poles of two magnets ________ each other whenever they are put together.
a. attract b. dispel c. repel新概念学习
6. I couldn’t read very well because my bedside candle kept _______.
a. flashing b. blazing c. flickering
7. There has been no ________ to our appeal for information.
a. react b. response c. respond
8. Once you leave home, you have to become __________ with the harsh reality of life on your own.
a. accustomed b. used c. familiar
9. A thick cloud of smoke was __________ from the chimney.
a. flashed b. emitted c. flickered
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