新概念英语第三册-Lesson 13(词汇4)_新概念英语第二册课文
2017-01-04 12:17
Step4 讲解看再多还不如自己动手一练。
1 .It was the man from the Electricity Board who had come to take a metre- _____
a. reading b. measurement c. regulation d. study
2 The man _____ a cry. (l.15)
a. escaped b. gave c. left d. shouted
3. I’m ________ a letter from my parents.
A. having b. waiting c. expecting新概念英语第二册课文
4. The actor’s _______ in this play was splendid.
a. cloth b. custom c. costume
5. The forefathers of present-day Americans were mainly Puritans who ______ to the New World to avoid religious persecution at home..
a. fled b. avoided c. hurried
6. You must get up and _____ now ,or you’ll be late.
a. wear b. dress up c. dress
7. She wishes she had enough money to buy herself a decent _____.
a. cloth b. costume c. dress
Write a sentence, using the “adj + to do “structure
Eg: We were astonished to find that he was a liar.
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