新概念英语第三册-Lesson 12(词汇1)_新概念英语mp3下载
2017-01-05 09:09
1 A desert island is _____ place.
a. an unpopular b. an uninhabited c. a deserted d. a barren
inhabited: 有人居住的
uninhabited: 无人居住的
unpopular: 不流行的
barren : 贫瘠的
2 His regret seems _____ c genuine ____ and not at all false.
a. genius b. truthful c genuine
3. The conference was,as a famous politician _ b.put ____ it ,”a total waste of time”.
a. told b.put c. said
4. Dickens is famous for his __ b. realistic _____ depiction of British society in the 19th century.
a. real b. realistic c. realised
5. Holding a ___ b. spear ___ in one hand and a piece of stone in the other ,the native stood there like a savage.
a. gun b. spear c. coral
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.
1.When we think of life on a desert island, we usually form an ___ imaginary___(imagine) picture of it in our mind.新概念英语mp3下载
2.Thousands of people in Afreca suffered _____starvation_____ (starve) this year. 3.It is always ____problematic_____ (problem) when you are in a foreign country and you can’t speak the language.
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