新概念英语第三册 Lesson 09(词汇1)_新概念第二册
2017-01-09 16:46
Lesson 9 Flying cats Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well. they never become submissive like dogs and horses. As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence. Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. One of the things that fascinaes us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives. Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in this idea. A cat’s ability to survive falls is based on fact. Recently the New York Animal medical Centre made a study of 132 cots over a period of five months. All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings. There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall, from! One cat ,Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. ‘Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers,’ a doctor said. It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves. In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more. At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels. This increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hid the ground.
Step 2词汇的意思都在这里了哦。看看你都猜对了么
fascinate v. 迷住,吸引住新概念第二册
affectionate adj. 充满情深的,柔情的
mysterious adj. 神秘的,难以理解的
submissive adj. 服从的,顺从的
feline adj. 猫的
independence n. 独立,独立性
high-rise adj. 高层的
windowsill n.窗槛
paratrooper n. 伞兵
squirrel n. 松鼠
air-resistance n. 空气阻力
impact n. 冲击力
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