新概念英语第三册 Lesson 10(词汇4)_新概念3
2017-01-10 15:06
2.watertight adj. 不漏水的;引申为无懈可击,毫无破绽的
英释 so tightly made that water cannot enter or escape
词句 a watertight ship
watertight arguments 无懈可击的论点
watertight excuse 毫无破绽的借口
waterproof 防水的
waterproof coat 防水雨衣
anti-water 防水的,抗水的
3. flood v. 充满水 n. 洪水
英释 be filled with water
词句 The ship is flooded.
Foreign goods flooded its market.
固定搭配 in flood 河水泛滥; 引申表示连续不断的
During the rains, the river is in flood.
in a flood of words 滔滔不绝的
She blamed her husband in a flood of words on seeing him.
flood with /be flooded with 使充满
The room was flooded with moonlight.
deluge with /be deluge with 泛滥,漫溢
He was deluged with questions. 他为大堆问题所困。
The town was deluged with thick slimy mud.城镇淹浸在一层深深的烂泥里。
drown sth.(in sth):flood sth 淹没新概念3
The dam broke and its waters drowned the entire valley.大坝决堤,整个山谷都被水淹没了。
Her eyes were drowned in tears.她泪眼汪汪。
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