新概念英语第三册 Lesson 08(词汇5)_新概念英语2
2017-01-10 15:09
Step5 学英语就必须勤学苦练,学而不练,事倍功半,下面就做几个练习吧。
part 1:(5HY each)
1 A few people who are _____ to cross the Pass on foot.
a. rash enough b. so rash c. too rash d. very rash
2 _____ so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in an enclosure.
a. With b. Being c. Because d. Having
3 The great St. Bernard Pass lies _____ Switzerland and Italy.
a. within b. between c. about d. along
4 The dogs are sent out into the snow _____ a traveller is in difficulty.
a. if ever b. in case c. all the time d. while
5 Thousands of people _____ over the Pass.
a. trip b. voyage c. conduct d. drive
6 They are allowed to _____ outside their enclosure.
a. graze b. drift c. roam d. wonder新概念英语2
part 2 Make sentences (10HY each )or tell a story by using the following words or phrases(75HY).
now that
rashly attempt
prefer to do rather than do
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