新概念英语第三册 Lesson 09(课文4)_新概念英语教材下载
2017-01-13 10:36
9.All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries.
in common = the same
fall off 坠落, 掉落
die from:死于
死于疾病:die of illness / disease / hunger / thirst,自然的死亡用of
死于非自然原因:die from shock / injures / wound, 用from
10. New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings.
there is no shortage 缺乏新概念英语教材下载
shortage:缺乏 = lack, 与of搭配,shortage / lack of
e.g. Shortage of money led to the failure of the experiments. 资金紧缺导致实验失败。
11.One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth.
32 storeys,storey作复数时,-s
suffer from: 遭受什么痛苦
e.g. A lot of people in the world are suffering from terrible disease.
12. Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers behave like = act like
well-trained: 训练很好的,well-Pp.结构 e.g. well-decorated:装饰漂亮的
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