新概念英语第三册-Lesson 02(课文2)_新概念英语听力mp3
2017-01-16 17:46
2, The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.
used to:过去常常做,而现在不再发生的事情了
e.g. He used to smoke every day.
3,One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start.
however 用于口语,主要用于句首;用于作文中时,最好用在句中、句尾,要用逗号分隔开来
e.g. I know his story, however, I wouldn't like to tell you.新概念英语听力mp3
I know his story, I, however, wouldn't like to tell you.
however 可用nevertheless, nonetheless 替换
start: 惊跳、惊奇
Eg: The voice made him start. 那声音吓了他一跳。
What a start you give me.你真吓了我一跳
4, The bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.
before ...才
e.g. Nearly a week past before he could explain what had happen to him.
The bell did not stop until it struck thirteen times.
It was not until the thirteenth stroke that the bell stopped.
tip: 体会用不同的搭配表达同种意思, not... until...It was not until...that... 知道...才...
5, Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock.
Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.
第二个句子中,动作arm和主语the vicar之间是被动关系,所以用了过去分词。我们可以将状语还原成句子:The vicar was armed with a torch then he went up into the clock tower.
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