

2017-02-14 17:14



Lesson 4 Seeing hands 看手

In the Soviet Union several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. One case concerns an eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was first noticed by her father.

One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe.

Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there, and even

described the way they were done up in bundles.

Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of UIyanovsk, near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federal Republic. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child's game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot theoutlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. lt was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.

New words and expressions 生词短语


to make out 费尽心机辨出

I looked thoroughly for my elderly mother, finally I make her out .

Yeah, I remembered, I finally make him out.新概念作文一等奖

I perceive a fly in my teacup.

2、elbow one’s way (用肘)挤出

elbow one’s way out of the crowed.挤出人群

Notes on the text 课文注释

Flash 中没有详细讲解






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