

2016-03-24 15:37





Germany's far left


Thuringia's November revolution


It may become the first state run by the heirs ofEast Germany's communists


Ramelow on the high road to power


NEXT weekend Germany celebrates the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yet a fewdays before that, Die Linke (The Left), the party that descends from the communists who ranthe old East Germany, may take charge of one of reunified Germany's 16 states (Thuringia) forthe first time.


The mainstream parties treat The Left as pariahs in the federal Bundestag. The party jeers fromthe backbenches and fights internal vendettas. It hates capitalism and wants to scrap NATO.In debates over Ukraine many Leftists have blamed America more than Russia's Vladimir Putin.Their parliamentary leader, Gregor Gysi, refuses to call the East German regime an “unjuststate”.

左党一直被主流政党视为德国联邦议院的贱民,因为其后座议员的地位以及党内斗争而受到其他政党的嘲笑。他们厌恶资本主义并打算让北约解体。在乌克兰之争中, 许多左派人士倾向于指责美国而不是俄罗斯。左党的议会领袖Gregor Gysi拒绝称东德政权是一个“不公正的国家”。

In state and local governments in eastern Germany, however, The Left has become a home formany Ossis (Easterners), who tend to be apolitical and feel vaguely frustrated. They vote Leftpartly for reasons of “Ostalgie”. In Brandenburg The Left governs boringly as junior partner ina “red-red” coalition with the Social Democrats (SPD). But Thuringia presents a newopportunity. In its election in September the Christian Democrats (CDU), the party ofChancellor Angela Merkel, came first, with 33%. But The Left came a strong second with 28%. Itcould now eke out a tiny majority if it combined with the other two left-leaning parties: theSPD and the Greens.

但是在东德的州政府和地方政府中,左党变成了Ossis (东德人)的大本营,东德人似乎不关心政治,茫然失落。他们以“东德情结”为由给左党投票。在勃兰登堡,左党以“红红”联盟中社会民主党人(SPD)的新合伙人身份进行沉闷无趣的统治管理。但是图林根提供了一个新的机遇。在9月份的选举中,以德国总理安吉拉·默克尔为领袖的基民盟(CDU),以33%的选票位列第一。左党来势汹汹,以28%的支持率暂居第二。如果左党可以和其他两个左倾政党:社民党和绿党联合的话,就能以微小的优势成为多数党。

To many on Germany's centre-left such a “red-red-green” alliance is the holy grail at the federallevel to replace governments led by Mrs Merkel. In Thuringia (as in the rest of Germany) theCDU rules in coalition with the SPD. The SPD has paid dearly there, winning a meagre 12% ofthe vote in September. So the state's Social Democrats want to try joining with The Left andthe Greens instead. Thuringia's 4,300 SPD members are expected to say yes to the idea onNovember 4th. The Left could lead its first-ever state government by December.


Its premier would be Bodo Ramelow. A western transplant in Thuringia, he personally brings nobaggage from East German times. And although he was a firebrand unionist once, he counts asa moderate by The Left's standards. Thuringians fret less about him than about the stabilityof a government that would have only a one-seat majority.


The overarching question is whether a red-red-green government in Thuringia couldforeshadow a similar experiment in the Bundestag (albeit with an SPD chancellor). It would bemuch harder to do in national politics, where foreign and security policy cleaves a wide gulfbetween the two red parties. And yet the SPD is in a terrible bind. Increasingly, it merely holdsthe stirrups for others to mount: Mrs Merkel in Berlin, now Mr Ramelow in Erfurt. The SPD'sthirst for national power may yet force it to turn to The Left in the Bundestag.





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